下面是J. Spence教授来信推荐书籍(网页http://www.public.asu.edu/~jspence/ElectrnDiffn.html上有),中文注解和中文书籍为王建波所加,供大家学习参考。 Books, special issues of journals, tables. (More details, including ISBN numbers and out-of-print books can be found on at specialist booksellers on the web.)
"Analytical electron microscopy for materials science". D. Shindo, T. Oikawa. Springer (2002). Excellent, up to date, practical . (ELS, EDX, CBED, Alchemi, Sample prep, holography etc). 有中文版,即《材料评价的分析电子显微学方法》,图文并茂,非常实用,分析电子显微学讲述深入浅出。作者T. Oikawa是日本电子首席研究员,来电镜中心多次,十月份会议将参加。 强烈推荐,案头必备(新、实际应用)。
"High resolution electron microscopy and related techniques". P. Buseck, J.Cowley and L.Eyring, Eds. Oxford Univ Press.(1989). Comprehensive overview.
Electron Backscattering Diffraction in Materials Science, A. J. Schwartz, M. Kumar and B. L. Adams (Eds.) Plenum (New York, 2000)
Atlas of Backscattering Kikuchi Diffraction Patterns D J Dingley, K Z Baba-Kishi and V Randle IOP (Bristol, 1995) 扫描电镜的强有力附件EBSD,可以在扫描电镜中看到表面形貌和微区成分(EDS)的同时得到对应的结构(EBSD),最新技术。本书先给出基本原理,其后附上大量EBSD图片。实用,易学。 强烈推荐,EBSD(SEM)必备。
Introduction to Texture Analysis V Randle and O Engler Gordon and Breach (Amsterdam 2000)
Texture and Anisotropy U F Kocks, C. N. Tomé and H-R Wenk Cambridge (Cambridge 1998)
Elastic and Inelastic Scattering in Electron Diffraction and Imaging Z L Wang Plenum (New York 1995) 王中林的大作,理论功底深厚,推导数学化,愿意深入理解电子显微学得可以阅读。
Introduction to Analytical Electron Microscopy J J Hren, J I Goldstein and D. C Joy (Eds) Plenum (New York 1979)
Principles of Analytical Electron Microscopy D C Joy, A D Romig and J I Goldstein (Eds) Pleum (New York 1986) 分析电子显微学较早的书籍,有影印本。
Convergent Beam Electron Diffraction of Alloy Phases J Mansfield (Ed) Adam Hilger (Bristol 1984)
Large-angle convergent beam electron diffraction. J.P. Morniroli. (Society of French Microscopists. Paris). 2002. In english. ISBN 2-901483-05-4
Advanced computing in electron microscopy. E.J.Kirkland. Plenum. New York. 1998. 计算原理讲解,附有源代码,可以仔细调试研读。
"Transmission Electron Microscopy and Diffractometry of Materials". B. Fultz and J. Howe. Springer. 2001. Excellent coverage of theory and worked examples.
"Fundamentals of HREM". S. Horiuchi. North Holland. 1994.
"Structural Electron Crystallography" D. L. Dorset, Plenum/Kluwer. 1997. Mainly organics.
"Transmission electron microscopy: A textbook for materials science". D.B.Williams and C.B.Carter. Plenum Press. 1996. Pedagogically sound introductory text. Indispensible. 美国电镜最好的教科书,四卷本,有基础、衍射、成像、谱,深入浅出,初学者和高级研究人员都会开卷有益。Amazon网上书店最畅销书。作者Carter也是现任国际显微学联合会秘书长,下任理事长,可能于十月来武汉出席会议。 最强烈最强烈推荐,案头必备。读懂后在电镜中心也成为牛人了。See http://www1.cems.umn.edu/research/carter/book.html
"High Resolution Electron Microscopy". J.C.H.Spence. Oxford Univ Press. 2003. (3rd Edn). How to do HREM.
Electron energy loss specrtroscopy in the electron microscope. R.F. Egerton. Plenum. New York. 2nd edition 1996. 电子能量损失谱的专著,作者Egerton是显微学联合会理事,Micron杂志主编,预计十月份出席武汉会议。 强烈推荐,EELS必备。
"Convergent beam electron diffraction IV". M.Tanaka, M.Terauchi, K.Tsuda, K.Saitoh. JEOL Ltd. Tokyo. and earlier volumes. Superb collection of CBED patterns. 不只是这一本,共有四本,是会聚束电子衍射的权威Tanaka教授的一生心血,大量精彩的图片。 强烈推荐,CBED必备。
"Electron microdiffraction". J.Spence and J.M. Zuo (Plenum, 1992). How to do QCBED. Worked example of how to find space-group of crystal from CBED patterns. 定量CBED,左建民作了大量工作。 推荐,定量CBED必备。
"High resolution electron microscopy for materials science". D.Shindo, K.Hiraga.Springer. 1998. Beautiful collection of HREM images and examples of their analysis. 有中文版,《材料评价的高分辨电子显微学方法》,大量精彩的高分辨照片,使用技巧。 强烈推荐,HRTEM必备。
"Electron Microscopy of thin crystals". P.B.Hirsch et al. Krieger. New York. 1977. Classic text with many worked examples. Indispensible. 电子显微学的圣经,开创电子显微学的开山之作,可以比如盘古开天辟地。迄今也是电子衍射和衍衬的最重要参考书。据说王仁卉教授通读达6-7遍,平时翻阅参考还不算。作者之一A Howie教授将于十月到武汉大学开会。 强烈推荐,案头必备。读懂后也是一代牛人。
"Electron-diffraction Analysis of Clay Mineral Structures". B. B Zvyagin. Plenum. 1967
"Electron Diffraction Structure Analysis". B. K. Vainshtein. Pergamon. 1964
"Intro. to Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy", R. J. Keyse, A. J. Garratt-Reed, P.J. Goodhew and G. W. Lorimer, (BIOS Scientific Publishers, Royal Micros. Soc., 1998)
"Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy", Rik Brydson, (BIOS Scientific Publishers, Royal Micros. Soc., 2001).
"Transmission Electron Microscopy. 4th edit.", L. Reimer, (Springer-Verlag 1997). Excellent broad coverage with all the basic physics, including radiation damage. Indispensible.
"Electron Holography", A. Tonomura, (Springer-Verlag, 1999)
"Introduction to electron holography". E. Voelkl, Ed. (1998). Plenum.
"Practical Electron Microscopy in Materials Science", J. W. Edington (Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1976)
"Electron beam analysis of materials" by M. Loretto. Chapman and Hall. 1984.
"Electron microscopy in heterogeneous catalysis". P. Gai and E. Boyes. Inst Phys. (2003).
"Interpretation of electron diffraction patterns" Andrews, K., Dyson, D., Keown, S. (1971). Plenum New York.
"Crystallography and crystal defects". Reprinted by Techbooks, 4012 Williamsburg Court, Fairfax, Virginia, USA 22032. Extremely useful. Highly recommended.
JCPDS-ICDD Powder diffraction file. http://www.icdd.com/ . Identify crystalline phases from their diffraction data.
Special issue of Zeitschrift Kirstallographie on electron crystallography. 2003/4. U.Kolb.
Journal of Microscopy and Microanalysis (mid 2003) Special issue on Quantitative Electron Diffraction. J.C.H. Spence, editor.