VOC是挥发性有机化合物(volatile organic compounds)的英文缩写。其定义有好几种:
美国ASTM D3960-98标准将VOC定义为任何能参加大气光化学反应的有机化合物。
炼油与石油化学工业大气污染物排放标准 DB11/ 447-2007定义为在20℃条件下蒸气压大于或等于0.01 kPa,或者特定适用条件下具有相应挥发性的全部有机化合物的统称
室内空气质量标准GB/T18883-2002总挥发性有机化合物定义为:利用Tenax GC或Tenax TA采样,非极性色谱柱(极性指数小于<=3)进行分析,保留时间在正己烷和正十六烷之间的挥发性有机化合物。
2.1空气和废气监测分析方法(四)中《固体吸附 热脱附气相色谱-质谱法》或《用采样罐采样气相色谱-质谱法》
2.2 ISO 16017-1 Indoor, ambient and workplace air -- Sampling and analysis of volatile organic compounds by sorbent tube/thermal desorption/capillary gas chromatography
2.3参考民用建筑工程室内环境污染控制规范 GB 50325-2001附录E:室内空气中总挥发性有机化合物(TVOC)的测定
2.5固定污染源排气中非甲烷总烃的测定 气相色谱法HJ/T38-1999
两者分析方法中各有侧重,VOC常用的方法是吸附剂吸附,因为吸附剂的选择性,所以没有一种吸附剂是适用于所有VOC,而GB 50325-2001附录E选择的tenax,有较广的吸附范围和较强的吸附能力。VOC另一种方法是直接用罐采样,在实验室里用通过冷阱冷凝-快速加热解析,进样,这种方法理论上可达到无损采样,对仪器设备要求较高。非甲烷总烃一般采用直接进样,通过做出总烃再减甲烷得出结果,不过在空气和废气监测分析方法(四)中第三种方法《气相色谱法测定非甲烷烃》也是通过吸附剂吸附-解析,再通过折算得非甲烷总烃。可见由于实验的操作不同,会决定所测量的VOC和NMHC的范围。
Hydrocarbon emissions can be reported in a variety of styles depending on the end use of the emission estimates and the measurement technique used in the underlying data. Not all emissions are measured for all engines, so a conversion from the most common measurement type to others is needed to supply an estimate in terms required by the user.
Most hydrocarbon emissions data from mobile sources is measured as total hydrocarbon (THC). THC is the measured hydrocarbon emissions using a Flame Ionization Detector (FID) calibrated with propane. The FID is assumed to respond to all hydrocarbons identically as it responds to propane in determining the concentration of carbon atoms in a gas sample. Most hydrocarbons respond nearly identically as propane with notable exceptions being oxygenated hydrocarbons such as alcohols and aldehydes commonly found in engine exhaust.
Because alcohols and especially aldehydes are chemically reactive and therefore ozone-forming hydrocarbons, the California Air Resources Board defined a measurement that adds the THC and the oxygenated components into a new measurement called total organic gas (TOG).
[1] The oxygenated components are measured by collecting aldehydes on dinitro- phenylhydrazine impregnated filter traps and alcohols in chilled water impingers. The aldehydes and alcohols are extracted and measured using chromatography to determine emission rates. Each mole of aldehydes and alcohols is added by weight as formaldehyde and methanol.
Methane is an organic gas that is orders of magnitude less reactive than other hydrocarbons, so it is often excluded from emission estimations. The methane is measured by chromatographically separating the methane from the THC and analyzing the concentrations using a FID calibrated specifically for methane. The methane emissions are subtracted from the THC and TOG emission estimations to produce a nonmethane hydrocarbon (NMHC) and a nonmethane organic gas (NMOG) emission estimate. Some newer instruments can measure the NMHC directly however leading to lower uncertainty.
Some hydrocarbons are less ozone-forming than other hydrocarbons, so EPA has officially excluded them from the definition of regulated hydrocarbons called volatile organic compounds (VOC). This definition excludes methane, ethane, acetone, and compounds not commonly found in large quantities in engine exhaust like chlorohydrocarbons from consideration as VOC. For this work, the definition of VOC is the result of subtracting methane and ethane from the TOG emission estimates. Although acetone is not subtracted, it is present in smaller quantities compared to methane and ethane, and will have a negligible effect on the results.