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  • 第九届世界采样和混样大会即将在北京召开
    p   为促进正确的采样、取样与制样,保证被检样品具有客观性、均匀性和代表性。由北京矿冶科技集团有限公司主办,中国矿业联合会、中国分析测试协会和中国金属学会共同协办,北矿检测技术有限公司、三匠联合国际会展(北京)有限公司共同承办的第九届世界采样与混样大会将首次登陆中国,于2019年5月6-9日在北京国际会议中心隆重召开。北京矿冶科技集团有限公司总经理、党委副书记、董事韩龙将担任大会组委会主席,Ralph Homes与中国工程院院士孙传尧将共同担任大会高级顾问,中国工程院院士王海舟将担任学术委员会主席。本次大会旨在深入探讨采样、制样和混样领域前沿学术研究成果,分享最新技术知识和技术进展,为国内外采样和混样领域的认证机构、终端用户、相关服务企业以及教育科研单位搭建了非常重要的交流平台。大会所涉及的相关领域包括:矿业、冶金、金属与合金、制样、农业、生物、环保等诸多方面。中国作为全球重要的经济体和制造业大国,在全球贸易、生产控制、环境保护等方面对采制样技术都有着巨大的需求。借助本次国际学术盛会,必将推动我国采制样理论的提升和采制样技术的快速发展。 /p p   据悉,采样理论是由法国化学家和统计学家皮埃尔· 莫里斯· 基Pierre Maurice Gy创立的 (1924-2015),Pierre Gy指出,不均匀性是所有采样误差产生的根源,他确立了著名的Pierre Gy公式,并建立了第一个固体颗粒采样的理论模型。而后,Gy在此基础上进而发展了应用更为广泛的模型,可应用于矿业、冶金、金属和合金、水泥、食品等多个重要行业的采样。 /p p   第一届世界采样与混样大会(1st World Conference on Sampling and Blending,WCSB1)于2003年在丹麦的埃斯比约举办,会议授予Pierre Gy“颗粒材料采样理论”创始人荣誉,会议全体代表一致通过设立“Pierre Gy采样金牌”,并在每届WCSB会议上授予在采样学领域做出杰出贡献的个人。此后,WCSB每两年举办一次,分别在澳大利亚、巴西、南非、智利、秘鲁、法国等国家举行。 /p p   第九届世界采样与混样大会日程将由12个论坛,包括近50个学术报告和1个互动论坛组成。报告均是从国内外作者提交的论文中精选而出,经过国内外作者积极踊跃投稿和国内外专家评审,最终100篇论文收录至大会论文集,论文数为历届之最。本次盛会聚集了世界采制样领域的顶级专家、学者、知名企业和众多国内外参会代表,涵盖多个相关领域,包括矿业、冶金、水泥、食品、制药、农业和环保等诸多领域,参会代表人数突破500人,为历届之最。届时,与会专家学者与代表们将共同交流探讨热点研究方向和实践应用问题,包括金矿、铜矿、铁矿、铝土矿等各类矿物及其金属制品的取制样标准、取制样方法和实践;取制样在地质、环境、土壤、食品、建材等各领域的研究与实践;各类先进的取制样工具、设备和采样系统的研发与应用;各类标准物质标准样品的研制;在线取样技术和过程分析技术与案例;移动产互联网与人工智能等技术在智能采样上的应用等。 /p p   根据目前报名情况来看,出席大会的科研机构包括埃克塞特大学、南大河联邦大学、约翰内斯堡大学、波多黎各大学、圣保罗大学、金山大学、格勒诺布尔大学、拉彭兰塔理工大学、澳大利亚纽卡斯尔大学、马雅圭兹大学、中南大学及中国矿业大学等;重要检测机构有SGS、INTERTEK、上海英斯贝克商品检验有限公司、中国检验认证集团、必维检测、AHK等。出席大会的矿业公司包括必和必拓、力拓、FMG、瑞士嘉能可、英美资源、淡水河谷、智利国家铜公司、巴里克黄金、云南铜业、五矿集团、金川集团、宝钢资源、豫光金铅、紫金矿业、中国黄金、山东黄金、山东招金、株冶集团、恒邦冶炼、金堆城钼业、贵研铂业、铜陵有色、陕西有色、湖南有色、驰宏锌锗、包钢稀土、大冶有色、万宝矿产及矿产品贸易商、众多冶炼企业、相关地勘单位等也报名参与此次大会。 /p p   大会也安排了欢迎酒会、颁奖晚宴及地质调查最新成果展示与体验活动。 /p p   第九届世界采样与混样大会开幕在即,由于此次会议为两年一届,而且第一次在中国举行,我们诚挚建议您不要错过此次学习与交流的机会。相信此次盛会将为参会企业在提升采制样理论及技术水平上带来深远的影响。在此,我们欢迎国内外采制样相关领域的专家、学者和企业踊跃报名参会。 /p p & nbsp /p
  • 2019(第九届)世界采样和混样大会日程安排
    p style=" text-align: center " strong WCSB9︱2019(第九届)世界采样和混样大会 /strong /p p   大会时间:2019年5月6-9日 /p p   地点:北京国际会议中心 /p p    strong 组织单位 /strong /p p   主办单位:北京矿冶科技集团有限公司 /p p   承办单位:北矿检测技术有限公司、三匠联合国际会展(北京)有限公司 /p p   支持单位:中国分析测试协会、中国矿业联合会 /p p   strong  学术委员会 /strong /p p   主席:王海舟(院士) /p p   成员: Ralph Homes 俞汝勤(院士) 吴淑琪 Simon Dominy Kim Esbensen Ana Chieregati Karin Engströ m Claudia Paoletti Rodolfo Romañ ach Oscar Dominguez Philippe Davin Elke Thisted Trevor Bruce Francis Pitard Dominique Franç ois‐Bongarç on Dick Minnitt Pentti Minkkinen Geoff Lyman。以上外国专家为国际Pierre Gy采样理事会成员。 /p p    strong 日程安排: /strong /p table border=" 1" cellspacing=" 0" cellpadding=" 0" width=" 652" tbody tr class=" firstRow" td width=" 652" colspan=" 2" valign=" top" style=" border-width: 1px border-color: windowtext padding: 0px 7px " p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:49px text-align: center" strong span 第1天 span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-weight: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp /span /span /strong strong span 2019 /span 年 span 5 /span 月 span 7 /span 日 星期二 /strong /p p style=" text-align:center" strong 北京国际会议中心 第五会议厅 /strong /p p style=" text-align:center" strong span Day 1 – Tuesday 7 May & nbsp 2017 /span /strong /p p style=" text-align:center" strong span Beijing International & nbsp Convention Centre, Convention Hall No.5 /span /strong /p /td /tr tr td width=" 141" valign=" top" style=" border-right-width: 1px border-bottom-width: 1px border-left-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext border-bottom-color: windowtext border-left-color: windowtext border-top: none padding: 0px 7px " br/ /td td width=" 511" valign=" top" style=" border-top: none border-left: none border-bottom-width: 1px border-bottom-color: windowtext border-right-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext padding: 0px 7px " p strong span style=" color:red" 第 span 1 /span 部分: /span 开幕式 span / /span 主旨发言 /strong /p p strong 主持人:韩龙,北京矿冶科技集团总经理,第九届世界采样与混样大会主席 /strong /p p strong span style=" color:red" Session 1: /span span Official Opening and & nbsp Keynote /span /strong /p p strong span Session & nbsp Chair: Han Long, BGRIMM Group, & nbsp General Manager, Conference Chairman, Ninth World Conference on & nbsp Sampling and Blending /span /strong /p /td /tr tr td width=" 141" valign=" top" style=" border-right-width: 1px border-bottom-width: 1px border-left-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext border-bottom-color: windowtext border-left-color: windowtext border-top: none padding: 0px 7px " p span 8:30 am-8:50 am /span /p /td td width=" 511" valign=" top" style=" border-top: none border-left: none border-bottom-width: 1px border-bottom-color: windowtext border-right-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext padding: 0px 7px " p strong 致欢迎辞:北京矿冶科技集团、国家市场监督管理总局、中国矿业联合会、分析测试学会、中国有色金属学会等支持单位 /strong /p p strong span Welcome & nbsp to Country: BGRIMM Technology Group, State Administration for Market & nbsp Regulation, China Association for Instrumental Analysis, China Mining & nbsp Association /span , span The Chinese Society for Metals /span /strong /p /td /tr tr td width=" 141" valign=" top" style=" border-right-width: 1px border-bottom-width: 1px border-left-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext border-bottom-color: windowtext border-left-color: windowtext border-top: none padding: 0px 7px " p span 8:50 am-9:00 am /span /p /td td width=" 511" valign=" top" style=" border-top: none border-left: none border-bottom-width: 1px border-bottom-color: windowtext border-right-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext padding: 0px 7px " p strong 致欢迎辞: /strong span Ralph Holmes /span 博士 span , /span 第九届世界采样与混样大会高级顾问 /p p strong span Official & nbsp Opening: /span /strong span Dr Ralph Holmes HonFAusIMM(CP), Honorary Fellow, CSIRO Mineral & nbsp Resources /span /p /td /tr tr td width=" 141" valign=" top" style=" border-right-width: 1px border-bottom-width: 1px border-left-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext border-bottom-color: windowtext border-left-color: windowtext border-top: none padding: 0px 7px " p span 9:00 am-9:30 am /span /p /td td width=" 511" valign=" top" style=" border-top: none border-left: none border-bottom-width: 1px border-bottom-color: windowtext border-right-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext padding: 0px 7px " p strong 主旨发言 span I: /span /strong 最小化极端经验主义,保持采样理论的逻辑关系 span - Francis & nbsp Pitard /span 博士, span Francis Pitard /span 采样咨询公司,美国 /p p strong span Keynote & nbsp Presentation I: /span /strong span Minimizing Extreme Empiricism to & nbsp Preserve the Logical Structure of the Theory of Sampling - Dr Francis Pitard, & nbsp Francis Pitard Sampling Consultants, USA /span /p /td /tr tr td width=" 141" valign=" top" style=" border-right-width: 1px border-bottom-width: 1px border-left-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext border-bottom-color: windowtext border-left-color: windowtext border-top: none padding: 0px 7px " p span 9:30 am-9:50 am /span /p /td td width=" 511" valign=" top" style=" border-top: none border-left: none border-bottom-width: 1px border-bottom-color: windowtext border-right-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext padding: 0px 7px " p span The Grouping and Segregation Error in the & nbsp Rice Experiment and the Assayers& #39 Bench. Prof Richard Minnitt, South Africa /span /p /td /tr tr td width=" 141" valign=" top" style=" border-right-width: 1px border-bottom-width: 1px border-left-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext border-bottom-color: windowtext border-left-color: windowtext border-top: none padding: 0px 7px " p span 9:50 am-10:10 am /span /p /td td width=" 511" valign=" top" style=" border-top: none border-left: none border-bottom-width: 1px border-bottom-color: windowtext border-right-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext padding: 0px 7px " p span Application of Variography for Monitoring & nbsp and Optimizing Industrial Measurement Systems. Elke Thisted, /span span style=" font-size: 15px" Norway /span /p /td /tr tr td width=" 141" valign=" top" style=" border-right-width: 1px border-bottom-width: 1px border-left-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext border-bottom-color: windowtext border-left-color: windowtext border-top: none padding: 0px 7px " p span 10:10 am-10:30 am /span /p /td td width=" 511" valign=" top" style=" border-top: none border-left: none border-bottom-width: 1px border-bottom-color: windowtext border-right-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext padding: 0px 7px " p span On the Bias Induced by Incorrect Sampling & nbsp Practice during QEMSCAN Analysis. Quentin Dehaine, UK /span /p /td /tr tr td width=" 141" valign=" top" style=" border-right-width: 1px border-bottom-width: 1px border-left-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext border-bottom-color: windowtext border-left-color: windowtext border-top: none padding: 0px 7px " p strong span 10:30 & nbsp am-11:00 am /span /strong /p /td td width=" 511" valign=" top" style=" border-top: none border-left: none border-bottom-width: 1px border-bottom-color: windowtext border-right-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext padding: 0px 7px " p strong 茶歇和展览,第四会议厅 /strong /p p strong span Morning & nbsp Tea Break and Exhibition, /span /strong span strong Convention Hall No.4 /strong /span /p /td /tr tr td width=" 141" valign=" top" style=" border-right-width: 1px border-bottom-width: 1px border-left-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext border-bottom-color: windowtext border-left-color: windowtext border-top: none padding: 0px 7px " br/ /td td width=" 511" valign=" top" style=" border-top: none border-left: none border-bottom-width: 1px border-bottom-color: windowtext border-right-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext padding: 0px 7px " p strong span style=" color:red" 第 span 2 /span 部分: /span 采样和混样理论及质量管理 /strong /p p strong 主持人: 王海舟教授,中国工程院院士,中国钢铁研究院 /strong /p p strong span style=" color:red" Session 2: /span span Theory of Sampling and & nbsp blending /span , span Quality Management /span /strong /p p strong span Session & nbsp Chair: Professor Wang Haizhou, the Academician of Chinese Academy of & nbsp Engineering /span ( span CAE /span ), span China Iron & nbsp & amp Steel Research Institute /span /strong /p /td /tr tr td width=" 141" valign=" top" style=" border-right-width: 1px border-bottom-width: 1px border-left-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext border-bottom-color: windowtext border-left-color: windowtext border-top: none padding: 0px 7px " p span 11:00 am-11:30 am /span /p /td td width=" 511" valign=" top" style=" border-top: none border-left: none border-bottom-width: 1px border-bottom-color: windowtext border-right-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext padding: 0px 7px " p strong 主旨发言 span II: /span /strong 接近代表性试样的采样 span - /span 理论修正及结果—— span Prof Pentti Minkkinen /span ,拉彭兰塔理工大学 /p p strong span Keynote & nbsp Presentation II: /span /strong span Sampling Close to the Aliquot & nbsp Stage - Theoretical Modifications and Consequences - Prof Pentti Minkkinen, Lappeenranta & nbsp University of Technology /span /p /td /tr tr td width=" 141" valign=" top" style=" border-right-width: 1px border-bottom-width: 1px border-left-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext border-bottom-color: windowtext border-left-color: windowtext border-top: none padding: 0px 7px " p span 11:30 am-11:50 am /span /p /td td width=" 511" valign=" top" style=" border-top: none border-left: none border-bottom-width: 1px border-bottom-color: windowtext border-right-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext padding: 0px 7px " p span Prediction of Alumina Grades in the & nbsp Bauxite Product using Geostatistical Simulation and Homogenization Piles Emulation. & nbsp Diego Machado Marques, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul. /span /p /td /tr tr td width=" 141" valign=" top" style=" border-right-width: 1px border-bottom-width: 1px border-left-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext border-bottom-color: windowtext border-left-color: windowtext border-top: none padding: 0px 7px " p span 11:50 am-12:10 pm /span /p /td td width=" 511" valign=" top" style=" border-top: none border-left: none border-bottom-width: 1px border-bottom-color: windowtext border-right-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext padding: 0px 7px " p span Quantification of Sampling Uncertainties & nbsp at the Grade Control Decision Points for a Platinum Mine. Mandi Woollam, Anglo & nbsp American /span /p /td /tr tr td width=" 141" valign=" top" style=" border-right-width: 1px border-bottom-width: 1px border-left-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext border-bottom-color: windowtext border-left-color: windowtext border-top: none padding: 0px 7px " p span 12:10 pm-12:30 pm /span /p /td td width=" 511" valign=" top" style=" border-top: none border-left: none border-bottom-width: 1px border-bottom-color: windowtext border-right-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext padding: 0px 7px " p span A Management Strategy for the Purchase of & nbsp Correct Sampling Equipment. Jennifer Gunn, Mineral Stats Inc /span /p /td /tr tr td width=" 141" valign=" top" style=" border-right-width: 1px border-bottom-width: 1px border-left-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext border-bottom-color: windowtext border-left-color: windowtext border-top: none padding: 0px 7px " p span 12:30 pm-12:50 pm /span /p /td td width=" 511" valign=" top" style=" border-top: none border-left: none border-bottom-width: 1px border-bottom-color: windowtext border-right-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext padding: 0px 7px " p span Stockpile Inventory and Quality & nbsp Management – Linking Sampling and Machine Control. & nbsp Michael Hidding, FLSmidth Pty Ltd /span /p /td /tr tr td width=" 141" valign=" top" style=" border-right-width: 1px border-bottom-width: 1px border-left-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext border-bottom-color: windowtext border-left-color: windowtext border-top: none padding: 0px 7px " p span 1:00 pm-2:00 pm /span /p /td td width=" 511" valign=" top" style=" border-top: none border-left: none border-bottom-width: 1px border-bottom-color: windowtext border-right-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext padding: 0px 7px " p strong 午餐和展览,宴会厅 /strong /p p strong span Lunch & nbsp and Exhibition, /span /strong span strong Banquet Hall /strong /span /p /td /tr tr td width=" 141" valign=" top" style=" border-right-width: 1px border-bottom-width: 1px border-left-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext border-bottom-color: windowtext border-left-color: windowtext border-top: none padding: 0px 7px " br/ /td td width=" 511" valign=" top" style=" border-top: none border-left: none border-bottom-width: 1px border-bottom-color: windowtext border-right-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext padding: 0px 7px " p strong span style=" color:red" 第 span 3 /span 部分: /span 采样与质量控制 /strong /p p strong 主持人: span style=" color:red" Elke Thisted, Glencore Nikkelverk AS, Norway /span /strong /p p strong span style=" color:red" Session 3: /span span Sampling and Quality & nbsp Control /span /strong /p p strong span Session & nbsp Chair: span style=" color:red" Elke Thisted, Glencore Nikkelverk AS, Norway /span /span /strong /p /td /tr tr td width=" 141" valign=" top" style=" border-right-width: 1px border-bottom-width: 1px border-left-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext border-bottom-color: windowtext border-left-color: windowtext border-top: none padding: 0px 7px " p span 2:00 pm-2:30 pm /span /p /td td width=" 511" valign=" top" style=" border-top: none border-left: none border-bottom-width: 1px border-bottom-color: windowtext border-right-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext padding: 0px 7px " p strong 主旨发言 span III: /span /strong ——释放因子 span - /span 我们已到达终点了吗? span - Dr. Dominique Franç ois-Bongarç on /span 博士, span AGORATEK & nbsp /span 国际咨询公司 span , /span 加拿大 /p p strong span Keynote & nbsp Presentation III: /span /strong span The Liberation Factor - Are we & nbsp at the End of the Journey? Dr Dominique Franç ois-Bongarç on, AGORATEK & nbsp International Consultants Inc, Canada /span /p /td /tr tr td width=" 141" valign=" top" style=" border-right-width: 1px border-bottom-width: 1px border-left-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext border-bottom-color: windowtext border-left-color: windowtext border-top: none padding: 0px 7px " p span 2:30 pm-2:50 pm /span /p /td td width=" 511" valign=" top" style=" border-top: none border-left: none border-bottom-width: 1px border-bottom-color: windowtext border-right-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext padding: 0px 7px " p span Quality Assurance, Quality Control (QAQC) & nbsp and Quality Management (QM) Programs on Sample Stations: A Prerequisite to & nbsp Achieve Standards Requirements. & nbsp Oscar & nbsp Dominguez, BHP, Australia /span /p /td /tr tr td width=" 141" valign=" top" style=" border-right-width: 1px border-bottom-width: 1px border-left-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext border-bottom-color: windowtext border-left-color: windowtext border-top: none padding: 0px 7px " p span 2:50 pm-3:10 pm /span /p /td td width=" 511" valign=" top" style=" border-top: none border-left: none border-bottom-width: 1px border-bottom-color: windowtext border-right-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext padding: 0px 7px " p span Solids Sampling at Australian Iron Ore & nbsp Mine Sites. Phil Cancilla, Heath and Sherwood /span /p /td /tr tr td width=" 141" valign=" top" style=" border-right-width: 1px border-bottom-width: 1px border-left-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext border-bottom-color: windowtext border-left-color: windowtext border-top: none padding: 0px 7px " p span 3:10 pm-3:30 pm /span /p /td td width=" 511" valign=" top" style=" border-top: none border-left: none border-bottom-width: 1px border-bottom-color: windowtext border-right-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext padding: 0px 7px " p span Determination & nbsp of the Analytical Variance. Geoffrey Lyman, Materials Sampling & amp & nbsp Consulting Pty Ltd /span /p /td /tr tr td width=" 141" valign=" top" style=" border-right-width: 1px border-bottom-width: 1px border-left-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext border-bottom-color: windowtext border-left-color: windowtext border-top: none padding: 0px 7px " p span 3:30 pm-4:00 pm /span /p /td td width=" 511" valign=" top" style=" border-top: none border-left: none border-bottom-width: 1px border-bottom-color: windowtext border-right-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext padding: 0px 7px " p strong 茶歇和展览,第四会议厅 /strong /p p strong span Afternoon & nbsp Tea Break and Exhibition, Convention Hall No.4 /span /strong /p /td /tr tr td width=" 141" valign=" top" style=" border-right-width: 1px border-bottom-width: 1px border-left-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext border-bottom-color: windowtext border-left-color: windowtext border-top: none padding: 0px 7px " br/ /td td width=" 511" valign=" top" style=" border-top: none border-left: none border-bottom-width: 1px border-bottom-color: windowtext border-right-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext padding: 0px 7px " p strong span style=" color:red" 第 span 4 /span 部分: /span 各行业的采样与混样 /strong /p p strong 主持人: span Prof Pentti Minkkinen, /span 拉彭兰塔理工大学 /strong /p p strong span style=" color:red" Session 4: /span span Sampling and blending in & nbsp various industries /span /strong /p p strong span Session & nbsp Chair: Prof Pentti Minkkinen, Lappeenranta University of Technology /span /strong /p /td /tr tr td width=" 141" valign=" top" style=" border-right-width: 1px border-bottom-width: 1px border-left-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext border-bottom-color: windowtext border-left-color: windowtext border-top: none padding: 0px 7px " p span 4:00 pm-4:20 pm /span /p /td td width=" 511" valign=" top" style=" border-top: none border-left: none border-bottom-width: 1px border-bottom-color: windowtext border-right-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext padding: 0px 7px " p span Advanced & nbsp Sampling Methods to Expedite the Reliable Characterization, Remediation and & nbsp Redevelopment of Contaminated Industrial Lands in China, Dr Roger Brewer, Hawaii & nbsp Department of Health /span /p /td /tr tr td width=" 141" valign=" top" style=" border-right-width: 1px border-bottom-width: 1px border-left-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext border-bottom-color: windowtext border-left-color: windowtext border-top: none padding: 0px 7px " p span 4:20 pm-4:40 pm /span /p /td td width=" 511" valign=" top" style=" border-top: none border-left: none border-bottom-width: 1px border-bottom-color: windowtext border-right-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext padding: 0px 7px " p span Challenges of Sampling Grain for & nbsp Mycotoxin Analysis. Sheryl Tittlemier, Government of Canada, Grain Research & nbsp Laboratory, Canadian Grain Commission & nbsp /span /p /td /tr tr td width=" 141" valign=" top" style=" border-right-width: 1px border-bottom-width: 1px border-left-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext border-bottom-color: windowtext border-left-color: windowtext border-top: none padding: 0px 7px " p span 4:40 pm-5:00 pm /span /p /td td width=" 511" valign=" top" style=" border-top: none border-left: none border-bottom-width: 1px border-bottom-color: windowtext border-right-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext padding: 0px 7px " p 土壤样品的采集制备与质量控制,王苏明,国家地质实验测试中心 /p p span Collection, Preparation and Quality & nbsp Control of Soil Samples, Suming Wang, China National Geological Experimental & nbsp Testing Center /span /p /td /tr tr td width=" 141" valign=" top" style=" border-right-width: 1px border-bottom-width: 1px border-left-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext border-bottom-color: windowtext border-left-color: windowtext border-top: none padding: 0px 7px " p span 5:00 pm-5:20 pm /span /p /td td width=" 511" valign=" top" style=" border-top: none border-left: none border-bottom-width: 1px border-bottom-color: windowtext border-right-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext padding: 0px 7px " p 中国环境采样技术,李海普,中南大学 /p p span Development of Environmental Sampling Technology & nbsp in China. Haipu Li Miao, Central South University /span /p /td /tr tr td width=" 141" valign=" top" style=" border-right-width: 1px border-bottom-width: 1px border-left-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext border-bottom-color: windowtext border-left-color: windowtext border-top: none padding: 0px 7px " p span 5:30 pm-7:30 pm /span /p /td td width=" 511" valign=" top" style=" border-top: none border-left: none border-bottom-width: 1px border-bottom-color: windowtext border-right-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext padding: 0px 7px " p strong 欢迎酒会,第四会议厅 /strong /p p strong span Welcome & nbsp Reception, Convention Hall No.4 /span /strong /p /td /tr tr td width=" 652" colspan=" 2" valign=" top" style=" border-right-width: 1px border-bottom-width: 1px border-left-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext border-bottom-color: windowtext border-left-color: windowtext border-top: none background: rgb(142, 170, 219) padding: 0px 7px " br/ /td /tr tr td width=" 652" colspan=" 2" valign=" top" style=" border-right-width: 1px border-bottom-width: 1px border-left-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext border-bottom-color: windowtext border-left-color: windowtext border-top: none padding: 0px 7px " p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:49px text-align: center" strong span 第2天 span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-weight: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp /span /span /strong strong span 2019 /span 年 span 5 /span 月 span 8 /span 日 星期三 /strong /p p style=" text-align:center" strong 北京国际会议中心 第五会议厅 /strong /p p style=" text-align:center" strong span Day 2 – Wednesday 8 May & nbsp 2017 /span /strong /p p style=" text-align:center" strong span Beijing International & nbsp Convention Centre, Convention Hall No.5 /span /strong /p /td /tr tr td width=" 141" valign=" top" style=" border-right-width: 1px border-bottom-width: 1px border-left-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext border-bottom-color: windowtext border-left-color: windowtext border-top: none padding: 0px 7px " br/ /td td width=" 511" valign=" top" style=" border-top: none border-left: none border-bottom-width: 1px border-bottom-color: windowtext border-right-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext padding: 0px 7px " p strong span style=" color:red" 第 span 5 /span 部分: /span 过程分析技术 /strong /p p strong 主持人: span Dr. Dominique Franç ois-Bongarç on /span 博士, span AGORATEK & nbsp /span 国际咨询公司 span , /span 加拿大 /strong /p p strong span style=" color:red" Session 5: /span span Process Analytical & nbsp Technology (PAT) /span /strong /p p strong span Session & nbsp Chair: Dr Dominique Franç ois-Bongarç on, AGORATEK International Consultants & nbsp Inc, Canada /span /strong /p /td /tr tr td width=" 141" valign=" top" style=" border-right-width: 1px border-bottom-width: 1px border-left-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext border-bottom-color: windowtext border-left-color: windowtext border-top: none padding: 0px 7px " p span 8:30 am-8:35 am /span /p /td td width=" 511" valign=" top" style=" border-top: none border-left: none border-bottom-width: 1px border-bottom-color: windowtext border-right-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext padding: 0px 7px " p strong 会议第二天欢迎辞 /strong /p p strong span Day & nbsp 2 Welcome /span /strong /p /td /tr tr td width=" 141" valign=" top" style=" border-right-width: 1px border-bottom-width: 1px border-left-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext border-bottom-color: windowtext border-left-color: windowtext border-top: none padding: 0px 7px " p span 8:35 am-9:05 am /span /p /td td width=" 511" valign=" top" style=" border-top: none border-left: none border-bottom-width: 1px border-bottom-color: windowtext border-right-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext padding: 0px 7px " p strong 主旨发言 span IV: /span /strong 在线采混样及在线分析技术在中国的发展——李华昌博士,北矿检测技术有限公司,中国 /p p strong span Keynote & nbsp Presentation IV: /span /strong span Development of Online Sampling, & nbsp Blending and Analytical Technology in China - Dr Li Huachang, BGRIMM MTC & nbsp Technology Co., LTD., China /span /p /td /tr tr td width=" 141" valign=" top" style=" border-right-width: 1px border-bottom-width: 1px border-left-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext border-bottom-color: windowtext border-left-color: windowtext border-top: none padding: 0px 7px " p span 9:05 am-9:25 am /span /p /td td width=" 511" valign=" top" style=" border-top: none border-left: none border-bottom-width: 1px border-bottom-color: windowtext border-right-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext padding: 0px 7px " p span Development of Automated Variographic & nbsp Characterisation for Continuous Monitoring of Measurement System Performance & nbsp in Iron Ore Processing – A Case Study at LKAB, Sweden. Esa I. Wikströ m, Luossavaara-Kirunavaara & nbsp AB (publ) /span /p /td /tr tr td width=" 141" valign=" top" style=" border-right-width: 1px border-bottom-width: 1px border-left-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext border-bottom-color: windowtext border-left-color: windowtext border-top: none padding: 0px 7px " p span 9:25 am-9:45 am /span /p /td td width=" 511" valign=" top" style=" border-top: none border-left: none border-bottom-width: 1px border-bottom-color: windowtext border-right-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext padding: 0px 7px " p span Real-time Optimization of Stockpile & nbsp Deposition Schedules to Improve Bulk Material Homogenization. Michael Cipold, & nbsp J& amp C Bachmann GmbH /span /p /td /tr tr td width=" 141" valign=" top" style=" border-right-width: 1px border-bottom-width: 1px border-left-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext border-bottom-color: windowtext border-left-color: windowtext border-top: none padding: 0px 7px " p span 9:45 am-10:05 am /span /p /td td width=" 511" valign=" top" style=" border-top: none border-left: none border-bottom-width: 1px border-bottom-color: windowtext border-right-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext padding: 0px 7px " p span Design and Pilot Studies of Tos-Compliant & nbsp Sampling Interface for Process Analytical Technology (PAT) Analysis of & nbsp Pharmeceutical Flowing Powders. Pedro A. Martinez, University of Puerto Rico, & nbsp Mayagü ez Campus /span /p /td /tr tr td width=" 141" valign=" top" style=" border-right-width: 1px border-bottom-width: 1px border-left-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext border-bottom-color: windowtext border-left-color: windowtext border-top: none padding: 0px 7px " p span 10:05 am-10:25 am /span /p /td td width=" 511" valign=" top" style=" border-top: none border-left: none border-bottom-width: 1px border-bottom-color: windowtext border-right-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext padding: 0px 7px " p span Sampling or On-line Analysis – Which to & nbsp Use When. Henry Kurth, Scantech International Pty Ltd /span /p /td /tr tr td width=" 141" valign=" top" style=" border-right-width: 1px border-bottom-width: 1px border-left-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext border-bottom-color: windowtext border-left-color: windowtext border-top: none padding: 0px 7px " p span 10:30 & nbsp am-11:00 am /span /p /td td width=" 511" valign=" top" style=" border-top: none border-left: none border-bottom-width: 1px border-bottom-color: windowtext border-right-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext padding: 0px 7px " p strong 茶歇和展览,第四会议厅 /strong /p p strong span Morning & nbsp Tea Break and Exhibition, /span /strong span strong Convention Hall No.4 /strong /span /p /td /tr tr td width=" 141" valign=" top" style=" border-right-width: 1px border-bottom-width: 1px border-left-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext border-bottom-color: windowtext border-left-color: windowtext border-top: none padding: 0px 7px " br/ /td td width=" 511" valign=" top" style=" border-top: none border-left: none border-bottom-width: 1px border-bottom-color: windowtext border-right-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext padding: 0px 7px " p strong span style=" color:red" 第 span 6 /span 部分: /span 矿产品采样 span & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp span style=" color:red" Platinum Sponsor /span /span /strong /p p strong 主持人:江苏银茂控股 span ( /span 集团 span ) /span 有限公司 /strong /p p strong span style=" color:red" Session 6: /span a name=" OLE_LINK4" /a a name=" OLE_LINK3" /a span Sampling & nbsp Mineral Commodities /span /strong /p p strong span Session & nbsp Chair: Jiangsu Yinmao Holding Group CO.LTD /span /strong /p /td /tr tr td width=" 141" valign=" top" style=" border-right-width: 1px border-bottom-width: 1px border-left-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext border-bottom-color: windowtext border-left-color: windowtext border-top: none padding: 0px 7px " p span 11:00 am-11:30 am /span /p /td td width=" 511" valign=" top" style=" border-top: none border-left: none border-bottom-width: 1px border-bottom-color: windowtext border-right-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext padding: 0px 7px " p strong 主旨发言 span V: /span /strong 铁矿石装运抽样的最佳方法— span Ralph J Holmes /span 博士,澳大利亚联邦科学与工业研究组织 /p p strong span Keynote & nbsp Presentation V: /span /strong span Best Practice in Sampling Iron & nbsp Ore Shipments - Dr. Ralph J Holmes, CSIRO Mineral Resources /span /p /td /tr tr td width=" 141" valign=" top" style=" border-right-width: 1px border-bottom-width: 1px border-left-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext border-bottom-color: windowtext border-left-color: windowtext border-top: none padding: 0px 7px " p span 11:30 am-11:50 am /span /p /td td width=" 511" valign=" top" style=" border-top: none border-left: none border-bottom-width: 1px border-bottom-color: windowtext border-right-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext padding: 0px 7px " p span Variographic Characterisation in a & nbsp Complete Iron Ore ‘Mine-to-Product’ Value Chain at Luossavaara-Kiirunavaara & nbsp AB in Sweden. Karin Engströ m, LKAB /span /p /td /tr tr td width=" 141" valign=" top" style=" border-right-width: 1px border-bottom-width: 1px border-left-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext border-bottom-color: windowtext border-left-color: windowtext border-top: none padding: 0px 7px " p span 11:50 am-12:10 pm /span /p /td td width=" 511" valign=" top" style=" border-top: none border-left: none border-bottom-width: 1px border-bottom-color: windowtext border-right-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext padding: 0px 7px " p span How Sampling Error Calculation can & nbsp Enhance the Measurement System in a Chromite concentrator. Dr. Stephane & nbsp Brochot, CASPEO /span /p /td /tr tr td width=" 141" valign=" top" style=" border-right-width: 1px border-bottom-width: 1px border-left-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext border-bottom-color: windowtext border-left-color: windowtext border-top: none padding: 0px 7px " p span 12:10 pm-12:30 pm /span /p /td td width=" 511" valign=" top" style=" border-top: none border-left: none border-bottom-width: 1px border-bottom-color: windowtext border-right-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext padding: 0px 7px " p 采样和混样技术在金铜精矿采样实践中的应用,党宏庆,河南省中原金冶炼厂有限公司 /p p span Application & nbsp of the Sampling and Sample Blending Technology in the Sampling Practice of & nbsp Gold and Copper /span , span Hongqing Dang, He’nan Zhongyuan Gold Smelter LLC /span /p /td /tr tr td width=" 141" valign=" top" style=" border-right-width: 1px border-bottom-width: 1px border-left-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext border-bottom-color: windowtext border-left-color: windowtext border-top: none padding: 0px 7px " p span 12:30 pm-12:50 pm /span /p /td td width=" 511" valign=" top" style=" border-top: none border-left: none border-bottom-width: 1px border-bottom-color: windowtext border-right-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext padding: 0px 7px " p 某矿山金矿石样品加工及分析方法优化研究,夏珍珠,紫金矿业集团有限公司 /p p span The & nbsp Research of Optimization for Gold Ore Samples’ Preparation and Analysis Method & nbsp from the Mine, Zhenzhu Xia, Zijin Mining Group Co., Ltd /span /p /td /tr tr td width=" 141" valign=" top" style=" border-right-width: 1px border-bottom-width: 1px border-left-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext border-bottom-color: windowtext border-left-color: windowtext border-top: none padding: 0px 7px " p span 1:00 pm-2:00 pm /span /p /td td width=" 511" valign=" top" style=" border-top: none border-left: none border-bottom-width: 1px border-bottom-color: windowtext border-right-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext padding: 0px 7px " p strong 午餐和展览,宴会厅 /strong /p p strong span Lunch & nbsp and Exhibition, /span /strong span strong Banquet Hall /strong /span /p /td /tr tr td width=" 141" valign=" top" style=" border-right-width: 1px border-bottom-width: 1px border-left-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext border-bottom-color: windowtext border-left-color: windowtext border-top: none padding: 0px 7px " br/ /td td width=" 511" valign=" top" style=" border-top: none border-left: none border-bottom-width: 1px border-bottom-color: windowtext border-right-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext padding: 0px 7px " p strong span style=" color:red" 第 span 7 /span 部分: /span 钻孔取样 /strong /p p strong 主持人: span Francis Pitard /span 博士, span Francis Pitard /span 采样咨询公司,美国 /strong /p p strong span style=" color:red" Session 7: /span span Drill and Blasthole & nbsp Sampling /span /strong /p p strong span Session & nbsp Chair: Dr Francis Pitard, Francis Pitard Sampling Consultants, USA /span /strong /p /td /tr tr td width=" 141" valign=" top" style=" border-right-width: 1px border-bottom-width: 1px border-left-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext border-bottom-color: windowtext border-left-color: windowtext border-top: none padding: 0px 7px " p span 2:00 pm-2:30 pm /span /p /td td width=" 511" valign=" top" style=" border-top: none border-left: none border-bottom-width: 1px border-bottom-color: windowtext border-right-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext padding: 0px 7px " p strong 主旨发言 span VI: /span /strong 钻孔取样的进展— span Ana Carolina /span 博士,圣保罗大学 /p p strong span Keynote & nbsp Presentation VI: /span /strong span The Advances in Drill Hole & nbsp Sampling /span — span Dr. Ana Carolina, University of Sao Paulo /span /p /td /tr tr td width=" 141" valign=" top" style=" border-right-width: 1px border-bottom-width: 1px border-left-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext border-bottom-color: windowtext border-left-color: windowtext border-top: none padding: 0px 7px " p span 2:30 pm-2:50 pm /span /p /td td width=" 511" valign=" top" style=" border-top: none border-left: none border-bottom-width: 1px border-bottom-color: windowtext border-right-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext padding: 0px 7px " p span Case Study: Blasthole Sampling Improvements & nbsp and Granulometric Assessments at the Minas Columbia Gold Mine, Sonora, Mexico. & nbsp John Graindorge, Australia /span /p /td /tr tr td width=" 141" valign=" top" style=" border-right-width: 1px border-bottom-width: 1px border-left-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext border-bottom-color: windowtext border-left-color: windowtext border-top: none padding: 0px 7px " p span 2:50 pm-3:10 pm /span /p /td td width=" 511" valign=" top" style=" border-top: none border-left: none border-bottom-width: 1px border-bottom-color: windowtext border-right-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext padding: 0px 7px " p span Improvement in Reverse Circulation (RC) & nbsp Drilling Sample Collection at BHP Western Australian Iron Ore Geoscience & nbsp through Vigilance in Basic Routines and Collaboration in Drilling Partnerships. & nbsp Henning Reichardt, BHP, /span a name=" OLE_LINK6" /a a name=" OLE_LINK5" /a span style=" font-size: 15px" Australia /span /p /td /tr tr td width=" 141" valign=" top" style=" border-right-width: 1px border-bottom-width: 1px border-left-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext border-bottom-color: windowtext border-left-color: windowtext border-top: none padding: 0px 7px " p span 3:10 pm-3:30 pm /span /p /td td width=" 511" valign=" top" style=" border-top: none border-left: none border-bottom-width: 1px border-bottom-color: windowtext border-right-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext padding: 0px 7px " p span Variation & nbsp of Quality by Size in Coal – Geological Drivers and Impacts on Sampling & nbsp Methodology and Outcomes. Belinda Sunner, BHP /span /p /td /tr tr td width=" 141" valign=" top" style=" border-right-width: 1px border-bottom-width: 1px border-left-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext border-bottom-color: windowtext border-left-color: windowtext border-top: none padding: 0px 7px " p span 3:30 pm-4:00 pm /span /p /td td width=" 511" valign=" top" style=" border-top: none border-left: none border-bottom-width: 1px border-bottom-color: windowtext border-right-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext padding: 0px 7px " p strong 茶歇和展览,第四会议厅 /strong /p p strong span Afternoon & nbsp Tea Break and Exhibition, Convention Hall No.4 /span /strong /p /td /tr tr td width=" 141" valign=" top" style=" border-right-width: 1px border-bottom-width: 1px border-left-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext border-bottom-color: windowtext border-left-color: windowtext border-top: none padding: 0px 7px " br/ /td td width=" 511" valign=" top" style=" border-top: none border-left: none border-bottom-width: 1px border-bottom-color: windowtext border-right-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext padding: 0px 7px " p strong span style=" color:red" 第 span 8 /span 部分: /span 互动论坛 /strong /p p strong 主持人: /strong 韩龙,北京矿冶科技集团总经理,第九届世界采样与混样大会主席 /p p strong span style=" color:red" Session8: /span span Interactive Forum /span /strong /p p strong span Session & nbsp Chair: /span /strong span Han Long, BGRIMM Group (General Manager), & nbsp Conference Chair: Ninth World Conference on Sampling and Blending strong /strong /span /p /td /tr tr td width=" 141" valign=" top" style=" border-right-width: 1px border-bottom-width: 1px border-left-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext border-bottom-color: windowtext border-left-color: windowtext border-top: none padding: 0px 7px " p span style=" color:red" 4:00 pm-5:20 pm /span /p /td td width=" 511" valign=" top" style=" border-top: none border-left: none border-bottom-width: 1px border-bottom-color: windowtext border-right-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext padding: 0px 7px " p strong 论坛主题: /strong 中外大宗商品贸易取制样差异与采样理论实践 /p p strong span Topic: & nbsp /span /strong span Sampling Difference and Sampling Theory Practice & nbsp in Chinese and Foreign Bulk Commodity Trade strong /strong /span /p /td /tr tr td width=" 141" valign=" top" style=" border-right-width: 1px border-bottom-width: 1px border-left-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext border-bottom-color: windowtext border-left-color: windowtext border-top: none padding: 0px 7px " p span style=" color:red" 5:20 pm-5:50 pm /span /p /td td width=" 511" valign=" top" style=" border-top: none border-left: none border-bottom-width: 1px border-bottom-color: windowtext border-right-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext padding: 0px 7px " p strong 主旨发言 span VIII: /span /strong 采样和混样的发展趋势— span Kim H. Esbensen /span 博士, span KHE /span 咨询公司 /p p strong span Keynote & nbsp Presentation VII: /span /strong span Future Directions in Sampling & nbsp and Blending - Dr. Kim H. Esbensen, KHE Consulting strong /strong /span /p /td /tr tr td width=" 141" valign=" top" style=" border-right-width: 1px border-bottom-width: 1px border-left-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext border-bottom-color: windowtext border-left-color: windowtext border-top: none padding: 0px 7px " p span 6:30 pm-8:30 pm /span /p /td td width=" 511" valign=" top" style=" border-top: none border-left: none border-bottom-width: 1px border-bottom-color: windowtext border-right-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext padding: 0px 7px " p strong 晚宴,第二会议厅 /strong /p p strong span Conference & nbsp Dinner, Convention Hall No.2 /span /strong /p /td /tr tr td width=" 652" colspan=" 2" valign=" top" style=" border-right-width: 1px border-bottom-width: 1px border-left-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext border-bottom-color: windowtext border-left-color: windowtext border-top: none background: rgb(142, 170, 219) padding: 0px 7px " br/ /td /tr tr td width=" 652" colspan=" 2" valign=" top" style=" border-right-width: 1px border-bottom-width: 1px border-left-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext border-bottom-color: windowtext border-left-color: windowtext border-top: none padding: 0px 7px " p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:49px text-align: center" strong span 第3天 span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-weight: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp /span /span /strong strong span 2019 /span 年 span 5 /span 月 span 9 /span 日 星期四 /strong /p p style=" text-align:center" strong 北京国际会议中心 第五会议厅 /strong /p p style=" text-align:center" strong span Day 3 – Thursday 9 May & nbsp 2017 /span /strong /p p style=" text-align:center" strong span Beijing International & nbsp Convention Centre, Convention Hall No.5 /span /strong /p /td /tr tr td width=" 141" valign=" top" style=" border-right-width: 1px border-bottom-width: 1px border-left-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext border-bottom-color: windowtext border-left-color: windowtext border-top: none padding: 0px 7px " br/ /td td width=" 511" valign=" top" style=" border-top: none border-left: none border-bottom-width: 1px border-bottom-color: windowtext border-right-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext padding: 0px 7px " p strong span style=" color:red" 第 span 9 /span 部分: /span span Pierre & nbsp Gy /span 金牌获奖演讲和合规采样 span & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /strong /p p strong 主持人: span style=" color:red" Oscar Dominguez, Superintendent Geochemistry, & nbsp BHP, /span span style=" color:red" 澳大利亚 /span /strong /p p strong span style=" color:red" Session 9: /span span Pierre Gy Oration and & nbsp Compliance Sampling /span /strong /p p strong span Session & nbsp Chair: span style=" color:red" Oscar Dominguez, Superintendent Geochemistry, & nbsp BHP, Australia /span /span /strong /p /td /tr tr td width=" 141" valign=" top" style=" border-right-width: 1px border-bottom-width: 1px border-left-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext border-bottom-color: windowtext border-left-color: windowtext border-top: none padding: 0px 7px " p span 8:30 am-8:35 am /span /p /td td width=" 511" valign=" top" style=" border-top: none border-left: none border-bottom-width: 1px border-bottom-color: windowtext border-right-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext padding: 0px 7px " p strong 会议第 span 3 /span 天欢迎辞 /strong /p p strong span Day & nbsp 3 Welcome /span /strong /p /td /tr tr td width=" 141" valign=" top" style=" border-right-width: 1px border-bottom-width: 1px border-left-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext border-bottom-color: windowtext border-left-color: windowtext border-top: none padding: 0px 7px " p span 8:35 am-9:05 am /span /p /td td width=" 511" valign=" top" style=" border-top: none border-left: none border-bottom-width: 1px border-bottom-color: windowtext border-right-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext padding: 0px 7px " p strong span Pierre & nbsp Gy /span 金牌获奖演讲: span WCSB9 Pierre Gy /span 金牌获得者 /strong /p p strong span Pierre & nbsp Gy Gold Medal Oration: WCSB9 Pierre Gy Sampling Gold Medal Recipient /span /strong /p /td /tr tr td width=" 141" valign=" top" style=" border-right-width: 1px border-bottom-width: 1px border-left-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext border-bottom-color: windowtext border-left-color: windowtext border-top: none padding: 0px 7px " p span 9:05 am-9:35 am /span /p /td td width=" 511" valign=" top" style=" border-top: none border-left: none border-bottom-width: 1px border-bottom-color: windowtext border-right-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext padding: 0px 7px " p strong 主旨发言 span VII: /span /strong 合规采样与采样理论的关系 span - Chuck Ramsay, EnviroStat, & nbsp Inc. /span /p p strong span Keynote & nbsp Presentation VIII: /span /strong span Relationships between & nbsp Compliance Sampling and the Theory of Sampling (TOS) - Chuck Ramsay, & nbsp EnviroStat, Inc. /span /p /td /tr tr td width=" 141" valign=" top" style=" border-right-width: 1px border-bottom-width: 1px border-left-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext border-bottom-color: windowtext border-left-color: windowtext border-top: none padding: 0px 7px " p span 9:35 am-9:55 am /span /p /td td width=" 511" valign=" top" style=" border-top: none border-left: none border-bottom-width: 1px border-bottom-color: windowtext border-right-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext padding: 0px 7px " p span Optimal Design for the Nonparametric Regression & nbsp Estimation Applied to Pharmacokinetic Problems. D. Benelmadani, Grenoble & nbsp Alpes University /span /p /td /tr tr td width=" 141" valign=" top" style=" border-right-width: 1px border-bottom-width: 1px border-left-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext border-bottom-color: windowtext border-left-color: windowtext border-top: none padding: 0px 7px " p span 9:55 am-10:15 am /span /p /td td width=" 511" valign=" top" style=" border-top: none border-left: none border-bottom-width: 1px border-bottom-color: windowtext border-right-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext padding: 0px 7px " p 中国金属矿产品取制样标准及取制样技术发展,汤淑芳,北矿检测技术有限公司 /p p span Metal Mineral Product Sampling Standards & nbsp and Development of Sampling and Preparation Technology in China, Shufang & nbsp Tang, BGRIMM MTC Technology Co., LTD. /span /p /td /tr tr td width=" 141" valign=" top" style=" border-right-width: 1px border-bottom-width: 1px border-left-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext border-bottom-color: windowtext border-left-color: windowtext border-top: none padding: 0px 7px " p span 10:15 am-10:35 am /span /p /td td width=" 511" valign=" top" style=" border-top: none border-left: none border-bottom-width: 1px border-bottom-color: windowtext border-right-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext padding: 0px 7px " p 第十届世界采样与混样大会演讲( span WCSB10 /span ) /p p span Presentations for the Tenth World & nbsp Conference on Sampling and Blending (WCSB10) strong /strong /span /p /td /tr tr td width=" 141" valign=" top" style=" border-right-width: 1px border-bottom-width: 1px border-left-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext border-bottom-color: windowtext border-left-color: windowtext border-top: none padding: 0px 7px " p strong span 10:35 & nbsp am-11:05 am /span /strong /p /td td width=" 511" valign=" top" style=" border-top: none border-left: none border-bottom-width: 1px border-bottom-color: windowtext border-right-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext padding: 0px 7px " p strong 茶歇和展览,第四会议厅 /strong /p p strong span Morning & nbsp Tea Break and Exhibition, /span /strong span strong Convention Hall No.4 /strong /span /p /td /tr tr td width=" 141" valign=" top" style=" border-right-width: 1px border-bottom-width: 1px border-left-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext border-bottom-color: windowtext border-left-color: windowtext border-top: none padding: 0px 7px " br/ /td td width=" 511" valign=" top" style=" border-top: none border-left: none border-bottom-width: 1px border-bottom-color: windowtext border-right-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext padding: 0px 7px " p strong span style=" color:red" 第 span 10 /span 部分: /span 新技术新设备 span & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp span style=" color:red" Silver Sponsor /span /span /strong /p p strong 主持人: span FLSmidth /span /strong /p p strong span style=" color:red" Session10: /span span New Developments and & nbsp Equipment /span /strong /p p strong span Session & nbsp Chair: FLSmidth /span /strong /p /td /tr tr td width=" 141" valign=" top" style=" border-right-width: 1px border-bottom-width: 1px border-left-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext border-bottom-color: windowtext border-left-color: windowtext border-top: none padding: 0px 7px " p span 11:05 am-11:25 am /span /p /td td width=" 511" valign=" top" style=" border-top: none border-left: none border-bottom-width: 1px border-bottom-color: windowtext border-right-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext padding: 0px 7px " p span Pitfalls of Poor Comminution of Converter & nbsp Matte during Sample Preparation: One Size Does Not Fit All. Ndala Kobe, Anglo & nbsp American Platinum /span /p /td /tr tr td width=" 141" valign=" top" style=" border-right-width: 1px border-bottom-width: 1px border-left-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext border-bottom-color: windowtext border-left-color: windowtext border-top: none padding: 0px 7px " p span 11:25 am-11:45 am /span /p /td td width=" 511" valign=" top" style=" border-top: none border-left: none border-bottom-width: 1px border-bottom-color: windowtext border-right-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext padding: 0px 7px " p span Application of DEM to Blending and & nbsp Homogeneity Evaluation and Improvement in a Belt Conveyor Transfer Chute & nbsp System. DUSAN ILIC, The University of Newcsatle, Australia /span /p /td /tr tr td width=" 141" valign=" top" style=" border-right-width: 1px border-bottom-width: 1px border-left-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext border-bottom-color: windowtext border-left-color: windowtext border-top: none padding: 0px 7px " p span 11:45 am-12:05 pm /span /p /td td width=" 511" valign=" top" style=" border-top: none border-left: none border-bottom-width: 1px border-bottom-color: windowtext border-right-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext padding: 0px 7px " p span The Use of Automated Slurry Sample & nbsp Transport to Monitor and Control Flotation Plant Performance. Dr Pierre & nbsp Hofmeyr, Innovative Metallurgical Products (IMP) /span /p /td /tr tr td width=" 141" valign=" top" style=" border-right-width: 1px border-bottom-width: 1px border-left-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext border-bottom-color: windowtext border-left-color: windowtext border-top: none padding: 0px 7px " p span 12:05 pm-12:25 pm /span /p /td td width=" 511" valign=" top" style=" border-top: none border-left: none border-bottom-width: 1px border-bottom-color: windowtext border-right-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext padding: 0px 7px " p span Fit for Purpose (FFP) Sampling & nbsp Implementation in the Real World. Trevor Bruce, Petrichor Concepts /span /p /td /tr tr td width=" 141" valign=" top" style=" border-right-width: 1px border-bottom-width: 1px border-left-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext border-bottom-color: windowtext border-left-color: windowtext border-top: none padding: 0px 7px " p span 12:25 pm-12:45 pm /span /p /td td width=" 511" valign=" top" style=" border-top: none border-left: none border-bottom-width: 1px border-bottom-color: windowtext border-right-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext padding: 0px 7px " p span Research on Mobile Modular Port Mineral & nbsp Sampling System, Shuangmin Yu, Qingdao Yosion Labtech Co., Ltd. /span /p p 移动模块式港口矿产样品采样系统研究,于双民,青岛垚鑫实验室科技有限公司 /p /td /tr tr td width=" 141" valign=" top" style=" border-right-width: 1px border-bottom-width: 1px border-left-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext border-bottom-color: windowtext border-left-color: windowtext border-top: none padding: 0px 7px " p span 1:00 pm-2:00 pm /span /p /td td width=" 511" valign=" top" style=" border-top: none border-left: none border-bottom-width: 1px border-bottom-color: windowtext border-right-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext padding: 0px 7px " p strong 午餐和展览,宴会厅 /strong /p p strong span Lunch & nbsp and Exhibition, /span /strong span strong Banquet Hall /strong /span /p /td /tr tr td width=" 141" valign=" top" style=" border-right-width: 1px border-bottom-width: 1px border-left-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext border-bottom-color: windowtext border-left-color: windowtext border-top: none padding: 0px 7px " br/ /td td width=" 511" valign=" top" style=" border-top: none border-left: none border-bottom-width: 1px border-bottom-color: windowtext border-right-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext padding: 0px 7px " p strong span style=" color:red" 第 span 11 /span 部分: /span 论坛 /strong /p p strong 主持人: /strong span Ralph Holmes /span 博士 span , /span 第九届世界采样与混样大会高级顾问 strong /strong /p p strong span style=" color:red" Session 11: /span span New Developments /span /strong /p p strong span Session & nbsp Chair: /span /strong span Dr Ralph Holmes FAusIMM(CP), Honorary & nbsp Fellow, CSIRO Mineral Resources strong /strong /span /p /td /tr tr td width=" 141" valign=" top" style=" border-right-width: 1px border-bottom-width: 1px border-left-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext border-bottom-color: windowtext border-left-color: windowtext border-top: none padding: 0px 7px " p span 2:00 pm-2:20 pm /span /p /td td width=" 511" valign=" top" style=" border-top: none border-left: none border-bottom-width: 1px border-bottom-color: windowtext border-right-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext padding: 0px 7px " p span Universal Falling Stream Sampling System & nbsp for Solid Bulk Commodities (UNI-SAMP). Aldwin Vogel, Bureau Veritas /span /p /td /tr tr td width=" 141" valign=" top" style=" border-right-width: 1px border-bottom-width: 1px border-left-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext border-bottom-color: windowtext border-left-color: windowtext border-top: none padding: 0px 7px " p span 2:20 pm-2:40 pm /span /p /td td width=" 511" valign=" top" style=" border-top: none border-left: none border-bottom-width: 1px border-bottom-color: windowtext border-right-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext padding: 0px 7px " p span Flaws in the Flows?& nbsp Dr Dominique & nbsp Franç ois-Bongarç on, AGORATEK International Consultants Inc, Canada /span /p /td /tr tr td width=" 141" valign=" top" style=" border-right-width: 1px border-bottom-width: 1px border-left-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext border-bottom-color: windowtext border-left-color: windowtext border-top: none padding: 0px 7px " p span 2:40 pm-3:00 pm /span /p /td td width=" 511" valign=" top" style=" border-top: none border-left: none border-bottom-width: 1px border-bottom-color: windowtext border-right-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext padding: 0px 7px " p span The Effect of Sampling Error on & nbsp Acceptance Sampling for Food Safety. Chuck Ramsay, EnviroStat, Inc. /span /p /td /tr tr td width=" 141" valign=" top" style=" border-right-width: 1px border-bottom-width: 1px border-left-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext border-bottom-color: windowtext border-left-color: windowtext border-top: none padding: 0px 7px " p span 3:00 pm-3:20 pm /span /p /td td width=" 511" valign=" top" style=" border-top: none border-left: none border-bottom-width: 1px border-bottom-color: windowtext border-right-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext padding: 0px 7px " p span Variogram Estimation for Process & nbsp Data.& nbsp Geoffrey Lyman, Minerals & nbsp Sampling & amp Consulting Pty Ltd. /span /p /td /tr tr td width=" 141" valign=" top" style=" border-right-width: 1px border-bottom-width: 1px border-left-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext border-bottom-color: windowtext border-left-color: windowtext border-top: none padding: 0px 7px " p span 3:30 pm-4:00 pm /span /p /td td width=" 511" valign=" top" style=" border-top: none border-left: none border-bottom-width: 1px border-bottom-color: windowtext border-right-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext padding: 0px 7px " p strong 茶歇和展览,第四会议厅 /strong /p p strong span Afternoon & nbsp Tea Break and Exhibition, Convention Hall No.4 /span /strong /p /td /tr tr td width=" 141" valign=" top" style=" border-right-width: 1px border-bottom-width: 1px border-left-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext border-bottom-color: windowtext border-left-color: windowtext border-top: none padding: 0px 7px " br/ /td td width=" 511" valign=" top" style=" border-top: none border-left: none border-bottom-width: 1px border-bottom-color: windowtext border-right-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext padding: 0px 7px " p strong span style=" color:red" 第 span 12 /span 部分: /span 未来发展,会议闭幕 /strong /p p strong 主持人: /strong span Kim H. Esbensen /span 博士, span KHE /span 咨询公司 strong /strong /p p strong span style=" color:red" Session 12: /span span Conference Close and & nbsp WCSB10 /span /strong /p p strong span Session & nbsp Chair: /span /strong span Dr. Kim H. Esbensen, KHE Consulting strong /strong /span /p /td /tr tr td width=" 141" valign=" top" style=" border-right-width: 1px border-bottom-width: 1px border-left-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext border-bottom-color: windowtext border-left-color: windowtext border-top: none padding: 0px 7px " p span 4:00 pm-4:20 pm /span /p /td td width=" 511" valign=" top" style=" border-top: none border-left: none border-bottom-width: 1px border-bottom-color: windowtext border-right-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext padding: 0px 7px " p span Segregation, the next Frontier. Dr & nbsp Dominique Franç ois-Bongarç on, AGORATEK International Consultants Inc, Canada /span /p /td /tr tr td width=" 141" valign=" top" style=" border-right-width: 1px border-bottom-width: 1px border-left-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext border-bottom-color: windowtext border-left-color: windowtext border-top: none padding: 0px 7px " p span 4:20 pm-4:40 pm /span /p /td td width=" 511" valign=" top" style=" border-top: none border-left: none border-bottom-width: 1px border-bottom-color: windowtext border-right-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext padding: 0px 7px " p span Intrinsic Heterogeneity Tester (IHT): A & nbsp New Prototype to Make Heterogeneity Tests Easier to Perform.& nbsp Dr. Ana Carolina, University of Sao Paulo /span /p /td /tr tr td width=" 141" valign=" top" style=" border-right-width: 1px border-bottom-width: 1px border-left-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext border-bottom-color: windowtext border-left-color: windowtext border-top: none padding: 0px 7px " p span 4:40 pm-5:10 pm /span /p /td td width=" 511" valign=" top" style=" border-top: none border-left: none border-bottom-width: 1px border-bottom-color: windowtext border-right-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext padding: 0px 7px " p strong 会议闭幕: /strong 韩龙,北京矿冶科技集团总经理,第九届世界采样与混样大会主席 /p p strong span Conference & nbsp Close: /span /strong span Han Long, BGRIMM General Manager, & nbsp Conference Chairman, Ninth World Conference on Sampling and Blending /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:48px" span style=" font-family:Symbol" · span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span 优秀论文颁奖和演讲 span - Best Paper and & nbsp Presentation Awards /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:48px" span style=" font-family:Symbol" · span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span 国际 span Pierre Gy /span 采样理事会会议 span - International Pierre Gy Sampling Association /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:48px" span style=" font-family:Symbol" · span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span 第十届世界采样与混样大会安排( span WCSB10 /span ) & nbsp span - Arrangements for the Tenth World Conference on Sampling & nbsp and Blending /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:48px" span style=" font-family:Symbol" · span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span span Conference Wrap-up and & nbsp Closure /span /p /td /tr tr td width=" 141" valign=" top" style=" border-right-width: 1px border-bottom-width: 1px border-left-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext border-bottom-color: windowtext border-left-color: windowtext border-top: none padding: 0px 7px " p span 5:30 pm-7:30 pm /span /p /td td width=" 511" valign=" top" style=" border-top: none border-left: none border-bottom-width: 1px border-bottom-color: windowtext border-right-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext padding: 0px 7px " p strong 晚餐自助餐,宴会厅 /strong /p p strong span Dinner, & nbsp Banquet Hall /span /strong /p /td /tr /tbody /table p style=" line-height: 16px " img style=" vertical-align: middle margin-right: 2px " src=" /admincms/ueditor1/dialogs/attachment/fileTypeImages/icon_pdf.gif" / a style=" font-size:12px color:#0066cc " href="" title=" WCSB通知2-0319-wxf.pdf" WCSB通知2-0319-wxf.pdf /a /p p br/ /p
  • WCSB9第九届世界采样与混样大会会议日程安排
    p   WCSB9︱2019(第九届)世界采样和混样大会将于2019年5月6日-9日在北京国际会议中心召开。 /p p style=" text-align: center " img src="" title=" 14.jpg" alt=" 14.jpg" width=" 603" height=" 234" style=" width: 603px height: 234px " / /p p   组织单位 /p p   主办单位:北京矿冶科技集团有限公司 /p p   承办单位:北矿检测技术有限公司、三匠联合国际会展(北京)有限公司 /p p   支持单位:中国分析测试协会、中国矿业联合会、中国金属学会 /p p   会议主题:大会主要内容为采样、混样及分析检测。 /p p    strong WCSB9第九届世界采样与混样大会会议日程表 /strong /p table border=" 1" cellspacing=" 0" cellpadding=" 0" width=" 652" tbody tr class=" firstRow" td width=" 652" colspan=" 2" valign=" top" style=" border-width: 1px border-color: windowtext padding: 0px 7px " p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:49px text-align: center" strong span 第1天 span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-weight: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp /span /span /strong strong span 2019 /span 年 span 5 /span 月 span 7 /span 日 星期二 /strong /p p style=" text-align:center" strong 北京国际会议中心 第五会议厅 /strong /p /td /tr tr td width=" 141" valign=" top" style=" border-right-width: 1px border-bottom-width: 1px border-left-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext border-bottom-color: windowtext border-left-color: windowtext border-top: none padding: 0px 7px " br/ /td td width=" 511" valign=" top" style=" border-top: none border-left: none border-bottom-width: 1px border-bottom-color: windowtext border-right-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext padding: 0px 7px " p strong span style=" color:red" 第 span 1 /span 部分: /span 开幕式 span / /span 主旨发言 /strong /p p strong 主持人:韩龙,北京矿冶科技集团总经理,第九届世界采样与混样大会主席 /strong /p /td /tr tr td width=" 141" valign=" top" style=" border-right-width: 1px border-bottom-width: 1px border-left-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext border-bottom-color: windowtext border-left-color: windowtext border-top: none padding: 0px 7px " p span 8:30 am-8:50 am /span /p /td td width=" 511" valign=" top" style=" border-top: none border-left: none border-bottom-width: 1px border-bottom-color: windowtext border-right-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext padding: 0px 7px " p strong 致欢迎辞:北京矿冶科技集团、国家市场监督管理总局、中国矿业联合会、分析测试学会、中国有色金属学会等支持单位 /strong /p /td /tr tr td width=" 141" valign=" top" style=" border-right-width: 1px border-bottom-width: 1px border-left-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext border-bottom-color: windowtext border-left-color: windowtext border-top: none padding: 0px 7px " p span 8:50 am-9:00 am /span /p /td td width=" 511" valign=" top" style=" border-top: none border-left: none border-bottom-width: 1px border-bottom-color: windowtext border-right-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext padding: 0px 7px " p strong 致欢迎辞: /strong span Ralph Holmes /span 博士 span , /span 第九届世界采样与混样大会高级顾问 /p /td /tr tr td width=" 141" valign=" top" style=" border-right-width: 1px border-bottom-width: 1px border-left-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext border-bottom-color: windowtext border-left-color: windowtext border-top: none padding: 0px 7px " p span 9:00 am-9:30 am /span /p /td td width=" 511" valign=" top" style=" border-top: none border-left: none border-bottom-width: 1px border-bottom-color: windowtext border-right-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext padding: 0px 7px " p strong 主旨发言 span I: /span /strong 最小化极端经验主义,保持采样理论的逻辑关系—— span Francis & nbsp Pitard /span 博士, span Francis Pitard /span 采样咨询公司,美国 /p /td /tr tr td width=" 141" valign=" top" style=" border-right-width: 1px border-bottom-width: 1px border-left-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext border-bottom-color: windowtext border-left-color: windowtext border-top: none padding: 0px 7px " p span 9:30 am-9:50 am /span /p /td td width=" 511" valign=" top" style=" border-top: none border-left: none border-bottom-width: 1px border-bottom-color: windowtext border-right-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext padding: 0px 7px " p span THE GROUPING AND SEGREGATION ERROR IN THE & nbsp RICE EXPERIMENT AND THE ASSAYERS& #39 BENCH. Richard Minnitt, South Africa /span /p /td /tr tr td width=" 141" valign=" top" style=" border-right-width: 1px border-bottom-width: 1px border-left-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext border-bottom-color: windowtext border-left-color: windowtext border-top: none padding: 0px 7px " p span 9:50 am-10:10 am /span /p /td td width=" 511" valign=" top" style=" border-top: none border-left: none border-bottom-width: 1px border-bottom-color: windowtext border-right-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext padding: 0px 7px " p span APPLICATION OF VARIOGRAPHY FOR MONITORING & nbsp AND OPTIMIZING INDUSTRIAL MEASUREMENT SYSTEMS. Elke Thisted, /span span style=" font-size: 15px" Norway /span /p /td /tr tr td width=" 141" valign=" top" style=" border-right-width: 1px border-bottom-width: 1px border-left-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext border-bottom-color: windowtext border-left-color: windowtext border-top: none padding: 0px 7px " p span 10:10 am-10:30 am /span /p /td td width=" 511" valign=" top" style=" border-top: none border-left: none border-bottom-width: 1px border-bottom-color: windowtext border-right-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext padding: 0px 7px " p span On the bias induced by incorrect sampling & nbsp practice during QEMSCAN analysis. Quentin DEHAINE, UK /span /p /td /tr tr td width=" 141" valign=" top" style=" border-right-width: 1px border-bottom-width: 1px border-left-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext border-bottom-color: windowtext border-left-color: windowtext border-top: none padding: 0px 7px " p strong span 10:30 & nbsp am-11:00 am /span /strong /p /td td width=" 511" valign=" top" style=" border-top: none border-left: none border-bottom-width: 1px border-bottom-color: windowtext border-right-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext padding: 0px 7px " p strong 茶歇和展览,第四会议厅 /strong /p /td /tr tr td width=" 141" valign=" top" style=" border-right-width: 1px border-bottom-width: 1px border-left-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext border-bottom-color: windowtext border-left-color: windowtext border-top: none padding: 0px 7px " br/ /td td width=" 511" valign=" top" style=" border-top: none border-left: none border-bottom-width: 1px border-bottom-color: windowtext border-right-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext padding: 0px 7px " p strong span style=" color:red" 第 span 2 /span 部分: /span 采样和混样理论及质量管理 /strong /p p strong 主持人: 王海舟教授,中国工程院院士,中国钢铁研究院 /strong /p /td /tr tr td width=" 141" valign=" top" style=" border-right-width: 1px border-bottom-width: 1px border-left-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext border-bottom-color: windowtext border-left-color: windowtext border-top: none padding: 0px 7px " p span 11:00 am-11:30 am /span /p /td td width=" 511" valign=" top" style=" border-top: none border-left: none border-bottom-width: 1px border-bottom-color: windowtext border-right-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext padding: 0px 7px " p strong 主旨发言 span II: /span /strong 接近代表性试样的采样 span - /span 理论修正及结果—— span Prof Pentti Minkkinen /span ,拉彭兰塔理工大学 /p /td /tr tr td width=" 141" valign=" top" style=" border-right-width: 1px border-bottom-width: 1px border-left-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext border-bottom-color: windowtext border-left-color: windowtext border-top: none padding: 0px 7px " p span 11:30 am-11:50 am /span /p /td td width=" 511" valign=" top" style=" border-top: none border-left: none border-bottom-width: 1px border-bottom-color: windowtext border-right-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext padding: 0px 7px " p span Prediction of alumina grades in the & nbsp bauxite product using geostatistical simulation and homogenization piles & nbsp emulation. Diego Machado Marques, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul. /span /p /td /tr tr td width=" 141" valign=" top" style=" border-right-width: 1px border-bottom-width: 1px border-left-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext border-bottom-color: windowtext border-left-color: windowtext border-top: none padding: 0px 7px " p span 11:50 am-12:10 pm /span /p /td td width=" 511" valign=" top" style=" border-top: none border-left: none border-bottom-width: 1px border-bottom-color: windowtext border-right-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext padding: 0px 7px " p span Quantification of Sampling Uncertainties & nbsp at the Grade Control Decision Points for a Platinum Mine. Mandi Woollam, & nbsp Anglo American /span /p /td /tr tr td width=" 141" valign=" top" style=" border-right-width: 1px border-bottom-width: 1px border-left-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext border-bottom-color: windowtext border-left-color: windowtext border-top: none padding: 0px 7px " p span 12:10 pm-12:30 pm /span /p /td td width=" 511" valign=" top" style=" border-top: none border-left: none border-bottom-width: 1px border-bottom-color: windowtext border-right-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext padding: 0px 7px " p span A MANAGEMENT STRATEGY FOR THE PURCHASE OF & nbsp CORRECT SAMPLING EQUIPMENT. Jennifer Gunn, Mineral Stats Inc /span /p /td /tr tr td width=" 141" valign=" top" style=" border-right-width: 1px border-bottom-width: 1px border-left-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext border-bottom-color: windowtext border-left-color: windowtext border-top: none padding: 0px 7px " p span 12:30 pm-12:50 pm /span /p /td td width=" 511" valign=" top" style=" border-top: none border-left: none border-bottom-width: 1px border-bottom-color: windowtext border-right-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext padding: 0px 7px " p span Stockpile inventory and quality & nbsp management – linking sampling and machine control. Michael Hidding, FLSmidth & nbsp Pty Ltd /span /p /td /tr tr td width=" 141" valign=" top" style=" border-right-width: 1px border-bottom-width: 1px border-left-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext border-bottom-color: windowtext border-left-color: windowtext border-top: none padding: 0px 7px " p span 1:00 pm-2:00 pm /span /p /td td width=" 511" valign=" top" style=" border-top: none border-left: none border-bottom-width: 1px border-bottom-color: windowtext border-right-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext padding: 0px 7px " p strong 午餐和展览,宴会厅 /strong /p /td /tr tr td width=" 141" valign=" top" style=" border-right-width: 1px border-bottom-width: 1px border-left-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext border-bottom-color: windowtext border-left-color: windowtext border-top: none padding: 0px 7px " br/ /td td width=" 511" valign=" top" style=" border-top: none border-left: none border-bottom-width: 1px border-bottom-color: windowtext border-right-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext padding: 0px 7px " p strong span style=" color:red" 第 span 3 /span 部分: /span 采样与质量控制 /strong /p p strong 主持人: span Oscar Dominguez, Superintendent Geochemistry, BHP, /span 澳大利亚 /strong /p /td /tr tr td width=" 141" valign=" top" style=" border-right-width: 1px border-bottom-width: 1px border-left-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext border-bottom-color: windowtext border-left-color: windowtext border-top: none padding: 0px 7px " p span 2:00 pm-2:30 pm /span /p /td td width=" 511" valign=" top" style=" border-top: none border-left: none border-bottom-width: 1px border-bottom-color: windowtext border-right-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext padding: 0px 7px " p strong 主旨发言 span III: /span /strong ——释放因子 span - /span 我们已到达终点了吗?—— span Dr. Dominique Franç ois-Bongarç on /span 博士, span AGORATEK & nbsp /span 国际咨询公司 span , /span 加拿大 /p /td /tr tr td width=" 141" valign=" top" style=" border-right-width: 1px border-bottom-width: 1px border-left-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext border-bottom-color: windowtext border-left-color: windowtext border-top: none padding: 0px 7px " p span 2:30 pm-2:50 pm /span /p /td td width=" 511" valign=" top" style=" border-top: none border-left: none border-bottom-width: 1px border-bottom-color: windowtext border-right-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext padding: 0px 7px " p span Quality Assurance, Quality Control (QAQC) & nbsp and Quality Management (QM) programs on Sample Stations: a prerequisite to & nbsp achieve Standards requirements. Oscar Dominguez, BHP, Australia /span /p /td /tr tr td width=" 141" valign=" top" style=" border-right-width: 1px border-bottom-width: 1px border-left-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext border-bottom-color: windowtext border-left-color: windowtext border-top: none padding: 0px 7px " p span 2:50 pm-3:10 pm /span /p /td td width=" 511" valign=" top" style=" border-top: none border-left: none border-bottom-width: 1px border-bottom-color: windowtext border-right-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext padding: 0px 7px " p span Solids Sampling at Australian Iron Ore & nbsp Mine Sites. Phil Cancilla, Heath and Sherwood /span /p /td /tr tr td width=" 141" valign=" top" style=" border-right-width: 1px border-bottom-width: 1px border-left-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext border-bottom-color: windowtext border-left-color: windowtext border-top: none padding: 0px 7px " p span 3:10 pm-3:30 pm /span /p /td td width=" 511" valign=" top" style=" border-top: none border-left: none border-bottom-width: 1px border-bottom-color: windowtext border-right-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext padding: 0px 7px " p span Determination & nbsp of the Analytical Variance. Geoffrey Lyman, Materials Sampling & amp & nbsp Consulting Pty Ltd /span /p /td /tr tr td width=" 141" valign=" top" style=" border-right-width: 1px border-bottom-width: 1px border-left-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext border-bottom-color: windowtext border-left-color: windowtext border-top: none padding: 0px 7px " p span 3:30 pm-4:00 pm /span /p /td td width=" 511" valign=" top" style=" border-top: none border-left: none border-bottom-width: 1px border-bottom-color: windowtext border-right-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext padding: 0px 7px " p strong 茶歇和展览,第四会议厅 /strong /p /td /tr tr td width=" 141" valign=" top" style=" border-right-width: 1px border-bottom-width: 1px border-left-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext border-bottom-color: windowtext border-left-color: windowtext border-top: none padding: 0px 7px " br/ /td td width=" 511" valign=" top" style=" border-top: none border-left: none border-bottom-width: 1px border-bottom-color: windowtext border-right-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext padding: 0px 7px " p strong span style=" color:red" 第 span 4 /span 部分: /span 各行业的采样与混样 /strong /p p strong 主持人: span Prof Pentti Minkkinen, /span 拉彭兰塔理工大学 /strong /p /td /tr tr td width=" 141" valign=" top" style=" border-right-width: 1px border-bottom-width: 1px border-left-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext border-bottom-color: windowtext border-left-color: windowtext border-top: none padding: 0px 7px " p span 4:00 pm-4:20 pm /span /p /td td width=" 511" valign=" top" style=" border-top: none border-left: none border-bottom-width: 1px border-bottom-color: windowtext border-right-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext padding: 0px 7px " p span ADVANCED & nbsp SAMPLING METHODS TO EXPEDITE THE RELIABLE CHARACTERIZATION, REMEDIATION AND & nbsp REDEVELOPMENT OF CONTAMINATED INDUSTRIAL LANDS IN CHINA, Dr Roger Brewer, & nbsp Hawaii Department of Health /span /p /td /tr tr td width=" 141" valign=" top" style=" border-right-width: 1px border-bottom-width: 1px border-left-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext border-bottom-color: windowtext border-left-color: windowtext border-top: none padding: 0px 7px " p span 4:20 pm-4:40 pm /span /p /td td width=" 511" valign=" top" style=" border-top: none border-left: none border-bottom-width: 1px border-bottom-color: windowtext border-right-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext padding: 0px 7px " p span CHALLENGES OF SAMPLING GRAIN FOR & nbsp MYCOTOXIN ANALYSIS. Sheryl Tittlemier, Government of Canada, Grain Research & nbsp Laboratory, Canadian Grain Commission& nbsp /span /p /td /tr tr td width=" 141" valign=" top" style=" border-right-width: 1px border-bottom-width: 1px border-left-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext border-bottom-color: windowtext border-left-color: windowtext border-top: none padding: 0px 7px " p span 4:40 pm-5:00 pm /span /p /td td width=" 511" valign=" top" style=" border-top: none border-left: none border-bottom-width: 1px border-bottom-color: windowtext border-right-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext padding: 0px 7px " p 土壤样品的采集制备与质量控制,王苏明,国家地质实验测试中心 /p /td /tr tr td width=" 141" valign=" top" style=" border-right-width: 1px border-bottom-width: 1px border-left-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext border-bottom-color: windowtext border-left-color: windowtext border-top: none padding: 0px 7px " p span 5:00 pm-5:20 pm /span /p /td td width=" 511" valign=" top" style=" border-top: none border-left: none border-bottom-width: 1px border-bottom-color: windowtext border-right-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext padding: 0px 7px " p 中国环境采样技术,苗晓焕,中南大学 /p /td /tr tr td width=" 141" valign=" top" style=" border-right-width: 1px border-bottom-width: 1px border-left-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext border-bottom-color: windowtext border-left-color: windowtext border-top: none padding: 0px 7px " p span 5:30 pm-7:30 pm /span /p /td td width=" 511" valign=" top" style=" border-top: none border-left: none border-bottom-width: 1px border-bottom-color: windowtext border-right-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext padding: 0px 7px " p strong 欢迎酒会,第四会议厅 /strong /p /td /tr tr td width=" 652" colspan=" 2" valign=" top" style=" border-right-width: 1px border-bottom-width: 1px border-left-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext border-bottom-color: windowtext border-left-color: windowtext border-top: none background: rgb(142, 170, 219) padding: 0px 7px " br/ /td /tr tr td width=" 652" colspan=" 2" valign=" top" style=" border-right-width: 1px border-bottom-width: 1px border-left-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext border-bottom-color: windowtext border-left-color: windowtext border-top: none padding: 0px 7px " p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:49px text-align: center" strong span 第2天 span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-weight: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp /span /span /strong strong span 2019 /span 年 span 5 /span 月 span 8 /span 日 星期三 /strong /p p style=" text-align:center" strong 北京国际会议中心 第五会议厅 /strong /p /td /tr tr td width=" 141" valign=" top" style=" border-right-width: 1px border-bottom-width: 1px border-left-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext border-bottom-color: windowtext border-left-color: windowtext border-top: none padding: 0px 7px " br/ /td td width=" 511" valign=" top" style=" border-top: none border-left: none border-bottom-width: 1px border-bottom-color: windowtext border-right-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext padding: 0px 7px " p strong span style=" color:red" 第 span 5 /span 部分: /span 过程分析技术 /strong /p p strong 主持人: span Dr. Dominique Franç ois-Bongarç on /span 博士, span AGORATEK & nbsp /span 国际咨询公司 span , /span 加拿大 /strong /p /td /tr tr td width=" 141" valign=" top" style=" border-right-width: 1px border-bottom-width: 1px border-left-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext border-bottom-color: windowtext border-left-color: windowtext border-top: none padding: 0px 7px " p span 8:30 am-8:35 am /span /p /td td width=" 511" valign=" top" style=" border-top: none border-left: none border-bottom-width: 1px border-bottom-color: windowtext border-right-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext padding: 0px 7px " p strong 会议第二天欢迎辞 /strong /p /td /tr tr td width=" 141" valign=" top" style=" border-right-width: 1px border-bottom-width: 1px border-left-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext border-bottom-color: windowtext border-left-color: windowtext border-top: none padding: 0px 7px " p span 8:35 am-9:05 am /span /p /td td width=" 511" valign=" top" style=" border-top: none border-left: none border-bottom-width: 1px border-bottom-color: windowtext border-right-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext padding: 0px 7px " p strong 主旨发言 span IV: /span /strong 在线采混样及在线分析技术在中国的发展——李华昌博士,北矿检测技术有限公司,中国 /p /td /tr tr td width=" 141" valign=" top" style=" border-right-width: 1px border-bottom-width: 1px border-left-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext border-bottom-color: windowtext border-left-color: windowtext border-top: none padding: 0px 7px " p span 9:05 am-9:25 am /span /p /td td width=" 511" valign=" top" style=" border-top: none border-left: none border-bottom-width: 1px border-bottom-color: windowtext border-right-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext padding: 0px 7px " p span DEVELOPMENT OF AUTOMATED VARIOGRAPHIC & nbsp CHARACTERISATION FOR CONTINUOUS MONITORING OF MEASUREMENT SYSTEM PERFORMANCE & nbsp IN IRON ORE PROCESSING – A CASE STUDY AT LKAB, SWEDEN. Esa I. Wikströ m, Luossavaara-Kirunavaara & nbsp AB (publ) /span /p /td /tr tr td width=" 141" valign=" top" style=" border-right-width: 1px border-bottom-width: 1px border-left-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext border-bottom-color: windowtext border-left-color: windowtext border-top: none padding: 0px 7px " p span 9:25 am-9:45 am /span /p /td td width=" 511" valign=" top" style=" border-top: none border-left: none border-bottom-width: 1px border-bottom-color: windowtext border-right-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext padding: 0px 7px " p span Real-time Optimization of Stockpile & nbsp Deposition Schedules to Improve Bulk Material Homogenization. Michael Cipold, & nbsp J& amp C Bachmann GmbH /span /p /td /tr tr td width=" 141" valign=" top" style=" border-right-width: 1px border-bottom-width: 1px border-left-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext border-bottom-color: windowtext border-left-color: windowtext border-top: none padding: 0px 7px " p span 9:45 am-10:05 am /span /p /td td width=" 511" valign=" top" style=" border-top: none border-left: none border-bottom-width: 1px border-bottom-color: windowtext border-right-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext padding: 0px 7px " p span DESIGN AND PILOT STUDIES OF TOS-COMPLIANT & nbsp SAMPLING INTERFACE FOR PROCESS ANALYTICAL TECHNOLOGY (PAT) ANALYSIS OF & nbsp PHARMECEUTICAL FLOWING POWDERS. Pedro A. Martinez, University of Puerto Rico, & nbsp Mayagü ez Campus /span /p /td /tr tr td width=" 141" valign=" top" style=" border-right-width: 1px border-bottom-width: 1px border-left-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext border-bottom-color: windowtext border-left-color: windowtext border-top: none padding: 0px 7px " p span 10:05 am-10:25 am /span /p /td td width=" 511" valign=" top" style=" border-top: none border-left: none border-bottom-width: 1px border-bottom-color: windowtext border-right-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext padding: 0px 7px " p span Sampling or on-line analysis – which to & nbsp use when. Henry Kurth, Scantech International Pty Ltd /span /p /td /tr tr td width=" 141" valign=" top" style=" border-right-width: 1px border-bottom-width: 1px border-left-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext border-bottom-color: windowtext border-left-color: windowtext border-top: none padding: 0px 7px " p strong span 10:25 & nbsp am-10:55 am /span /strong /p /td td width=" 511" valign=" top" style=" border-top: none border-left: none border-bottom-width: 1px border-bottom-color: windowtext border-right-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext padding: 0px 7px " p strong 茶歇和展览,第四会议厅 /strong /p /td /tr tr td width=" 141" valign=" top" style=" border-right-width: 1px border-bottom-width: 1px border-left-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext border-bottom-color: windowtext border-left-color: windowtext border-top: none padding: 0px 7px " br/ /td td width=" 511" valign=" top" style=" border-top: none border-left: none border-bottom-width: 1px border-bottom-color: windowtext border-right-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext padding: 0px 7px " p strong span style=" color:red" 第 span 6 /span 部分: /span 矿产品采样 /strong /p p strong 主持人: span Ana Carolina /span 博士,圣保罗大学 /strong /p /td /tr tr td width=" 141" valign=" top" style=" border-right-width: 1px border-bottom-width: 1px border-left-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext border-bottom-color: windowtext border-left-color: windowtext border-top: none padding: 0px 7px " p span 11:00 am-11:30 am /span /p /td td width=" 511" valign=" top" style=" border-top: none border-left: none border-bottom-width: 1px border-bottom-color: windowtext border-right-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext padding: 0px 7px " p strong 主旨发言 span V: /span /strong 铁矿石装运抽样的最佳方法—— span Ralph J Holmes /span 博士,澳大利亚联邦科学与工业研究组织 /p /td /tr tr td width=" 141" valign=" top" style=" border-right-width: 1px border-bottom-width: 1px border-left-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext border-bottom-color: windowtext border-left-color: windowtext border-top: none padding: 0px 7px " p span 11:30 am-11:50 am /span /p /td td width=" 511" valign=" top" style=" border-top: none border-left: none border-bottom-width: 1px border-bottom-color: windowtext border-right-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext padding: 0px 7px " p span Variographic characterisation in a & nbsp complete iron ore ‘mine-to-product’ value chain at Luossavaara-Kiirunavaara & nbsp AB in Sweden. Karin Engströ m, LKAB /span /p /td /tr tr td width=" 141" valign=" top" style=" border-right-width: 1px border-bottom-width: 1px border-left-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext border-bottom-color: windowtext border-left-color: windowtext border-top: none padding: 0px 7px " p span 11:50 am-12:10 pm /span /p /td td width=" 511" valign=" top" style=" border-top: none border-left: none border-bottom-width: 1px border-bottom-color: windowtext border-right-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext padding: 0px 7px " p span How sampling error calculation can & nbsp enhance the measurement system in a chromite concentrator. Dr. Stephane & nbsp Brochot, CASPEO /span /p /td /tr tr td width=" 141" valign=" top" style=" border-right-width: 1px border-bottom-width: 1px border-left-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext border-bottom-color: windowtext border-left-color: windowtext border-top: none padding: 0px 7px " p span 12:10 pm-12:30 pm /span /p /td td width=" 511" valign=" top" style=" border-top: none border-left: none border-bottom-width: 1px border-bottom-color: windowtext border-right-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext padding: 0px 7px " p 采样和混样技术在金铜精矿采样实践中的应用,党宏庆,河南省中原金冶炼厂有限公司 /p /td /tr tr td width=" 141" valign=" top" style=" border-right-width: 1px border-bottom-width: 1px border-left-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext border-bottom-color: windowtext border-left-color: windowtext border-top: none padding: 0px 7px " p span 12:30 pm-12:50 pm /span /p /td td width=" 511" valign=" top" style=" border-top: none border-left: none border-bottom-width: 1px border-bottom-color: windowtext border-right-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext padding: 0px 7px " p 某矿山金矿石样品加工及分析方法优化研究,夏珍珠,紫金矿业集团有限公司 /p /td /tr tr td width=" 141" valign=" top" style=" border-right-width: 1px border-bottom-width: 1px border-left-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext border-bottom-color: windowtext border-left-color: windowtext border-top: none padding: 0px 7px " p span 1:00 pm-2:00 pm /span /p /td td width=" 511" valign=" top" style=" border-top: none border-left: none border-bottom-width: 1px border-bottom-color: windowtext border-right-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext padding: 0px 7px " p strong 午餐和展览,宴会厅 /strong /p /td /tr tr td width=" 141" valign=" top" style=" border-right-width: 1px border-bottom-width: 1px border-left-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext border-bottom-color: windowtext border-left-color: windowtext border-top: none padding: 0px 7px " br/ /td td width=" 511" valign=" top" style=" border-top: none border-left: none border-bottom-width: 1px border-bottom-color: windowtext border-right-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext padding: 0px 7px " p strong span style=" color:red" 第 span 7 /span 部分: /span 钻孔取样 /strong /p p strong 主持人: span Karin Engströ m, LKAB /span /strong /p /td /tr tr td width=" 141" valign=" top" style=" border-right-width: 1px border-bottom-width: 1px border-left-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext border-bottom-color: windowtext border-left-color: windowtext border-top: none padding: 0px 7px " p span 2:00 pm-2:30 pm /span /p /td td width=" 511" valign=" top" style=" border-top: none border-left: none border-bottom-width: 1px border-bottom-color: windowtext border-right-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext padding: 0px 7px " p strong 主旨发言 span VI: /span /strong 钻孔取样的进展—— span Ana Carolina /span 博士,圣保罗大学 /p /td /tr tr td width=" 141" valign=" top" style=" border-right-width: 1px border-bottom-width: 1px border-left-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext border-bottom-color: windowtext border-left-color: windowtext border-top: none padding: 0px 7px " p span 2:30 pm-2:50 pm /span /p /td td width=" 511" valign=" top" style=" border-top: none border-left: none border-bottom-width: 1px border-bottom-color: windowtext border-right-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext padding: 0px 7px " p span Case Study: Blasthole Sampling & nbsp Improvements and Granulometric Assessments at the Minas Columbia Gold Mine, & nbsp Sonora, Mexico. John Graindorge, Australia /span /p /td /tr tr td width=" 141" valign=" top" style=" border-right-width: 1px border-bottom-width: 1px border-left-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext border-bottom-color: windowtext border-left-color: windowtext border-top: none padding: 0px 7px " p span 2:50 pm-3:10 pm /span /p /td td width=" 511" valign=" top" style=" border-top: none border-left: none border-bottom-width: 1px border-bottom-color: windowtext border-right-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext padding: 0px 7px " p span Improvement in Reverse Circulation (RC) & nbsp drilling sample collection at BHP Western Australian Iron Ore Geoscience & nbsp through vigilance in basic routines and collaboration in drilling & nbsp partnerships. Henning Reichardt, BHP, /span a name=" OLE_LINK5" /a a name=" OLE_LINK6" /a span style=" font-size: 15px" Australia /span /p /td /tr tr td width=" 141" valign=" top" style=" border-right-width: 1px border-bottom-width: 1px border-left-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext border-bottom-color: windowtext border-left-color: windowtext border-top: none padding: 0px 7px " p span 3:10 pm-3:30 pm /span /p /td td width=" 511" valign=" top" style=" border-top: none border-left: none border-bottom-width: 1px border-bottom-color: windowtext border-right-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext padding: 0px 7px " p span VARIATION & nbsp OF QUALITY BY SIZE IN COAL – GEOLOGICAL DRIVERS AND IMPACTS ON SAMPLING & nbsp METHODOLOGY AND OUTCOMES. Belinda Sunner, BHP /span /p /td /tr tr td width=" 141" valign=" top" style=" border-right-width: 1px border-bottom-width: 1px border-left-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext border-bottom-color: windowtext border-left-color: windowtext border-top: none padding: 0px 7px " p span 3:30 pm-4:00 pm /span /p /td td width=" 511" valign=" top" style=" border-top: none border-left: none border-bottom-width: 1px border-bottom-color: windowtext border-right-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext padding: 0px 7px " p strong 茶歇和展览,第四会议厅 /strong /p /td /tr tr td width=" 141" valign=" top" style=" border-right-width: 1px border-bottom-width: 1px border-left-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext border-bottom-color: windowtext border-left-color: windowtext border-top: none padding: 0px 7px " br/ /td td width=" 511" valign=" top" style=" border-top: none border-left: none border-bottom-width: 1px border-bottom-color: windowtext border-right-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext padding: 0px 7px " p strong span style=" color:red" 第 span 8 /span 部分: /span 互动论坛 /strong /p p strong 主持人: /strong 韩龙,北京矿冶科技集团总经理,第九届世界采样与混样大会主席 strong /strong /p /td /tr tr td width=" 141" valign=" top" style=" border-right-width: 1px border-bottom-width: 1px border-left-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext border-bottom-color: windowtext border-left-color: windowtext border-top: none padding: 0px 7px " p span 4:00 pm-5:00 pm /span /p /td td width=" 511" valign=" top" style=" border-top: none border-left: none border-bottom-width: 1px border-bottom-color: windowtext border-right-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext padding: 0px 7px " p strong 论坛主题: /strong 中外大宗商品贸易取制样差异与采样理论实践 strong /strong /p /td /tr tr td width=" 141" valign=" top" style=" border-right-width: 1px border-bottom-width: 1px border-left-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext border-bottom-color: windowtext border-left-color: windowtext border-top: none padding: 0px 7px " p span 5:00 pm-5:20 pm /span /p /td td width=" 511" valign=" top" style=" border-top: none border-left: none border-bottom-width: 1px border-bottom-color: windowtext border-right-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext padding: 0px 7px " p 第十届世界采样与混样大会演讲( span WCSB10 /span ) strong /strong /p /td /tr tr td width=" 141" valign=" top" style=" border-right-width: 1px border-bottom-width: 1px border-left-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext border-bottom-color: windowtext border-left-color: windowtext border-top: none padding: 0px 7px " p span 6:30 pm-8:30 pm /span /p /td td width=" 511" valign=" top" style=" border-top: none border-left: none border-bottom-width: 1px border-bottom-color: windowtext border-right-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext padding: 0px 7px " p strong 晚宴,第二会议厅 /strong /p /td /tr tr td width=" 652" colspan=" 2" valign=" top" style=" border-right-width: 1px border-bottom-width: 1px border-left-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext border-bottom-color: windowtext border-left-color: windowtext border-top: none background: rgb(142, 170, 219) padding: 0px 7px " br/ /td /tr tr td width=" 652" colspan=" 2" valign=" top" style=" border-right-width: 1px border-bottom-width: 1px border-left-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext border-bottom-color: windowtext border-left-color: windowtext border-top: none padding: 0px 7px " p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:49px text-align: center" strong span 第3天 span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-weight: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp /span /span /strong strong span 2019 /span 年 span 5 /span 月 span 9 /span 日 星期四 /strong /p p style=" text-align:center" strong 北京国际会议中心 第五会议厅 /strong /p /td /tr tr td width=" 141" valign=" top" style=" border-right-width: 1px border-bottom-width: 1px border-left-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext border-bottom-color: windowtext border-left-color: windowtext border-top: none padding: 0px 7px " br/ /td td width=" 511" valign=" top" style=" border-top: none border-left: none border-bottom-width: 1px border-bottom-color: windowtext border-right-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext padding: 0px 7px " p strong span style=" color:red" 第 span 9 /span 部分: /span span Pierre & nbsp Gy /span 金牌获奖演讲和合规采样 /strong /p p strong 主持人: span Francis Pitard /span 博士, span Francis Pitard /span 采样咨询公司,美国 /strong /p /td /tr tr td width=" 141" valign=" top" style=" border-right-width: 1px border-bottom-width: 1px border-left-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext border-bottom-color: windowtext border-left-color: windowtext border-top: none padding: 0px 7px " p span 8:30 am-8:35 am /span /p /td td width=" 511" valign=" top" style=" border-top: none border-left: none border-bottom-width: 1px border-bottom-color: windowtext border-right-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext padding: 0px 7px " p strong 会议第 span 3 /span 天欢迎辞 /strong /p p strong span Day & nbsp 3 Welcome /span /strong /p /td /tr tr td width=" 141" valign=" top" style=" border-right-width: 1px border-bottom-width: 1px border-left-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext border-bottom-color: windowtext border-left-color: windowtext border-top: none padding: 0px 7px " p span 8:35 am-9:05 am /span /p /td td width=" 511" valign=" top" style=" border-top: none border-left: none border-bottom-width: 1px border-bottom-color: windowtext border-right-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext padding: 0px 7px " p strong span Pierre & nbsp Gy /span 金牌获奖演讲: span WCSB9 Pierre Gy /span 金牌获得者 /strong /p /td /tr tr td width=" 141" valign=" top" style=" border-right-width: 1px border-bottom-width: 1px border-left-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext border-bottom-color: windowtext border-left-color: windowtext border-top: none padding: 0px 7px " p span 9:05 am-9:35 am /span /p /td td width=" 511" valign=" top" style=" border-top: none border-left: none border-bottom-width: 1px border-bottom-color: windowtext border-right-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext padding: 0px 7px " p strong 主旨发言 span VII: /span /strong 合规采样与采样理论的关系—— strong span Chuck Ramsay /span , /strong span EnviroStat, Inc. /span /p /td /tr tr td width=" 141" valign=" top" style=" border-right-width: 1px border-bottom-width: 1px border-left-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext border-bottom-color: windowtext border-left-color: windowtext border-top: none padding: 0px 7px " p span 9:35 am-9:55 am /span /p /td td width=" 511" valign=" top" style=" border-top: none border-left: none border-bottom-width: 1px border-bottom-color: windowtext border-right-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext padding: 0px 7px " p span Optimal design for the nonparametric & nbsp regression estimation applied to pharmacokinetic problemspharmacokinetics. D. & nbsp BENELMADANI, Grenoble Alpes University /span /p /td /tr tr td width=" 141" valign=" top" style=" border-right-width: 1px border-bottom-width: 1px border-left-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext border-bottom-color: windowtext border-left-color: windowtext border-top: none padding: 0px 7px " p span 9:55 am-10:15 am /span /p /td td width=" 511" valign=" top" style=" border-top: none border-left: none border-bottom-width: 1px border-bottom-color: windowtext border-right-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext padding: 0px 7px " p 中国金属矿产品取制样标准及取制样技术发展,汤淑芳,北矿检测技术有限公司 /p /td /tr tr td width=" 141" valign=" top" style=" border-right-width: 1px border-bottom-width: 1px border-left-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext border-bottom-color: windowtext border-left-color: windowtext border-top: none padding: 0px 7px " p span 10:15 am-10:35 am /span /p /td td width=" 511" valign=" top" style=" border-top: none border-left: none border-bottom-width: 1px border-bottom-color: windowtext border-right-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext padding: 0px 7px " p span Fit for purpose (FFP) sampling & nbsp implementation in the real world. Trevor Bruce, Petrichor Concepts /span /p /td /tr tr td width=" 141" valign=" top" style=" border-right-width: 1px border-bottom-width: 1px border-left-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext border-bottom-color: windowtext border-left-color: windowtext border-top: none padding: 0px 7px " p strong span 10:35 & nbsp am-11:05 am /span /strong /p /td td width=" 511" valign=" top" style=" border-top: none border-left: none border-bottom-width: 1px border-bottom-color: windowtext border-right-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext padding: 0px 7px " p strong 茶歇和展览,第四会议厅 /strong /p /td /tr tr td width=" 141" valign=" top" style=" border-right-width: 1px border-bottom-width: 1px border-left-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext border-bottom-color: windowtext border-left-color: windowtext border-top: none padding: 0px 7px " br/ /td td width=" 511" valign=" top" style=" border-top: none border-left: none border-bottom-width: 1px border-bottom-color: windowtext border-right-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext padding: 0px 7px " p strong span style=" color:red" 第 span 10 /span 部分: /span 新技术新设备 /strong /p p strong 主持人: span Elke Thisted, Norway /span /strong /p /td /tr tr td width=" 141" valign=" top" style=" border-right-width: 1px border-bottom-width: 1px border-left-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext border-bottom-color: windowtext border-left-color: windowtext border-top: none padding: 0px 7px " p span 11:05 am-11:25 am /span /p /td td width=" 511" valign=" top" style=" border-top: none border-left: none border-bottom-width: 1px border-bottom-color: windowtext border-right-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext padding: 0px 7px " p span Pitfalls of poor comminution of converter & nbsp matte during sample preparation: One size does not fit all. Ndala Kobe, Anglo & nbsp American Platinum /span /p /td /tr tr td width=" 141" valign=" top" style=" border-right-width: 1px border-bottom-width: 1px border-left-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext border-bottom-color: windowtext border-left-color: windowtext border-top: none padding: 0px 7px " p span 11:25 am-11:45 am /span /p /td td width=" 511" valign=" top" style=" border-top: none border-left: none border-bottom-width: 1px border-bottom-color: windowtext border-right-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext padding: 0px 7px " p span Application of DEM to Blending and & nbsp Homogeneity Evaluation and Improvement in a Belt Conveyor Transfer Chute & nbsp System. DUSAN ILIC, The University of Newcsatle, Australia /span /p /td /tr tr td width=" 141" valign=" top" style=" border-right-width: 1px border-bottom-width: 1px border-left-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext border-bottom-color: windowtext border-left-color: windowtext border-top: none padding: 0px 7px " p span 11:45 am-12:05 pm /span /p /td td width=" 511" valign=" top" style=" border-top: none border-left: none border-bottom-width: 1px border-bottom-color: windowtext border-right-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext padding: 0px 7px " p span The Use of Automated Slurry Sample & nbsp Transport to Monitor and Control Flotation Plant Performance. Dr Pierre & nbsp Hofmeyr, Innovative Metallurgical Products (IMP) /span /p /td /tr tr td width=" 141" valign=" top" style=" border-right-width: 1px border-bottom-width: 1px border-left-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext border-bottom-color: windowtext border-left-color: windowtext border-top: none padding: 0px 7px " p span 12:05 pm-12:25 pm /span /p /td td width=" 511" valign=" top" style=" border-top: none border-left: none border-bottom-width: 1px border-bottom-color: windowtext border-right-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext padding: 0px 7px " p span UNIVERSAL FALLING STREAM SAMPLING SYSTEM & nbsp FOR SOLID BULK COMMODITIES (UNI-SAMP). Aldwin Vogel, Bureau Veritas /span /p /td /tr tr td width=" 141" valign=" top" style=" border-right-width: 1px border-bottom-width: 1px border-left-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext border-bottom-color: windowtext border-left-color: windowtext border-top: none padding: 0px 7px " p span 12:25 pm-12:45 pm /span /p /td td width=" 511" valign=" top" style=" border-top: none border-left: none border-bottom-width: 1px border-bottom-color: windowtext border-right-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext padding: 0px 7px " p 移动模块式港口矿产样品采样系统研究,于双民,青岛垚鑫实验室科技有限公司 /p /td /tr tr td width=" 141" valign=" top" style=" border-right-width: 1px border-bottom-width: 1px border-left-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext border-bottom-color: windowtext border-left-color: windowtext border-top: none padding: 0px 7px " p span 1:00 pm-2:00 pm /span /p /td td width=" 511" valign=" top" style=" border-top: none border-left: none border-bottom-width: 1px border-bottom-color: windowtext border-right-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext padding: 0px 7px " p strong 午餐和展览,宴会厅 /strong /p /td /tr tr td width=" 141" valign=" top" style=" border-right-width: 1px border-bottom-width: 1px border-left-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext border-bottom-color: windowtext border-left-color: windowtext border-top: none padding: 0px 7px " br/ /td td width=" 511" valign=" top" style=" border-top: none border-left: none border-bottom-width: 1px border-bottom-color: windowtext border-right-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext padding: 0px 7px " p strong span style=" color:red" 第 span 8 /span 部分: /span 论坛 /strong /p p strong 主持人: /strong span Ralph Holmes /span 博士 span , /span 第九届世界采样与混样大会高级顾问 strong /strong /p /td /tr tr td width=" 141" valign=" top" style=" border-right-width: 1px border-bottom-width: 1px border-left-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext border-bottom-color: windowtext border-left-color: windowtext border-top: none padding: 0px 7px " p span 2:00 pm-2:30 pm /span /p /td td width=" 511" valign=" top" style=" border-top: none border-left: none border-bottom-width: 1px border-bottom-color: windowtext border-right-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext padding: 0px 7px " p 优秀论文颁奖和演讲 /p /td /tr tr td width=" 141" valign=" top" style=" border-right-width: 1px border-bottom-width: 1px border-left-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext border-bottom-color: windowtext border-left-color: windowtext border-top: none padding: 0px 7px " p span 2:30 pm-2:50 pm /span /p /td td width=" 511" valign=" top" style=" border-top: none border-left: none border-bottom-width: 1px border-bottom-color: windowtext border-right-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext padding: 0px 7px " p span Flaws in the Flows?& nbsp Dr Dominique & nbsp Franç ois-Bongarç on, AGORATEK International Consultants Inc, Canada /span /p /td /tr tr td width=" 141" valign=" top" style=" border-right-width: 1px border-bottom-width: 1px border-left-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext border-bottom-color: windowtext border-left-color: windowtext border-top: none padding: 0px 7px " p span 2:50 pm-3:05 pm /span /p /td td width=" 511" valign=" top" style=" border-top: none border-left: none border-bottom-width: 1px border-bottom-color: windowtext border-right-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext padding: 0px 7px " p 国际 span Pierre Gy /span 采样理事会会议 /p /td /tr tr td width=" 141" valign=" top" style=" border-right-width: 1px border-bottom-width: 1px border-left-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext border-bottom-color: windowtext border-left-color: windowtext border-top: none padding: 0px 7px " p span 3:05 pm-3:20 pm /span /p /td td width=" 511" valign=" top" style=" border-top: none border-left: none border-bottom-width: 1px border-bottom-color: windowtext border-right-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext padding: 0px 7px " p 第十届世界采样与混样大会安排( span WCSB10 /span ) /p /td /tr tr td width=" 141" valign=" top" style=" border-right-width: 1px border-bottom-width: 1px border-left-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext border-bottom-color: windowtext border-left-color: windowtext border-top: none padding: 0px 7px " p span 3:20 pm-4:00 pm /span /p /td td width=" 511" valign=" top" style=" border-top: none border-left: none border-bottom-width: 1px border-bottom-color: windowtext border-right-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext padding: 0px 7px " p strong 茶歇和展览,第四会议厅 /strong /p /td /tr tr td width=" 141" valign=" top" style=" border-right-width: 1px border-bottom-width: 1px border-left-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext border-bottom-color: windowtext border-left-color: windowtext border-top: none padding: 0px 7px " br/ /td td width=" 511" valign=" top" style=" border-top: none border-left: none border-bottom-width: 1px border-bottom-color: windowtext border-right-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext padding: 0px 7px " p strong span style=" color:red" 第 span 12 /span 部分: /span 未来发展,会议闭幕 /strong /p p strong 主持人: /strong span Kim H. Esbensen /span 博士, span KHE /span 咨询公司 strong /strong /p /td /tr tr td width=" 141" valign=" top" style=" border-right-width: 1px border-bottom-width: 1px border-left-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext border-bottom-color: windowtext border-left-color: windowtext border-top: none padding: 0px 7px " p span 4:00 pm-4:30 pm /span /p /td td width=" 511" valign=" top" style=" border-top: none border-left: none border-bottom-width: 1px border-bottom-color: windowtext border-right-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext padding: 0px 7px " p strong 主旨发言 span VIII: /span /strong 采样和混样的发展趋势—— span Kim H. Esbensen /span 博士, span KHE /span 咨询公司 strong /strong /p /td /tr tr td width=" 141" valign=" top" style=" border-right-width: 1px border-bottom-width: 1px border-left-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext border-bottom-color: windowtext border-left-color: windowtext border-top: none padding: 0px 7px " p span 4:30 pm-5:00 pm /span /p /td td width=" 511" valign=" top" style=" border-top: none border-left: none border-bottom-width: 1px border-bottom-color: windowtext border-right-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext padding: 0px 7px " p strong 会议闭幕: /strong 韩龙,北京矿冶科技集团总经理,第九届世界采样与混样大会主席 strong /strong /p /td /tr tr td width=" 141" valign=" top" style=" border-right-width: 1px border-bottom-width: 1px border-left-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext border-bottom-color: windowtext border-left-color: windowtext border-top: none padding: 0px 7px " p span 5:30 pm-7:30 pm /span /p /td td width=" 511" valign=" top" style=" border-top: none border-left: none border-bottom-width: 1px border-bottom-color: windowtext border-right-width: 1px border-right-color: windowtext padding: 0px 7px " p strong 晚餐自助餐,宴会厅 /strong /p /td /tr /tbody /table p style=" line-height: 16px " img style=" vertical-align: middle margin-right: 2px " src=" /admincms/ueditor1/dialogs/attachment/fileTypeImages/icon_pdf.gif" / a style=" font-size:12px color:#0066cc " href="" title=" wcsb通知0301.pdf" wcsb通知0301.pdf /a /p p br/ /p



  • 【分享】中国计量院代表出席第11届世界温湿度大会

    日前,在欧洲斯洛文尼亚举行了第11届世界温湿度大会。中国计量院代表所作的大会报告引起国外学术同行的强烈反响。 中国计量院热工所8名专家和化学所1名专家代表中国参加此次会议并作报告。其中,“双圆柱定程法测量玻尔兹曼常数”被定为首个大会报告。这是中国计量院第一次在国际温度会议上被邀请作大会报告。报告内容受到了国外学术同行的肯定,他们对中国计量院在基础研究能力方面的提升速度表示赞叹。 世界温湿度研讨会是温湿度计量界最重要的国际交流会议之一。本次大会是世界温度和湿度大会首次联合召开,来自50多个国家的300多名代表参加会议。会议展示了各国计量院和相关研究机构在热力学温度测量、国际温标、固定点和湿度计量方面最新的研究进展和发展水平。

  • 【转帖】第二届世界环保与新能源产业发展大会隆重召开



  • 2018年世界公众科学素质促进大会“国际单位制的演变及影响”分论坛举办

    [color=#333333] 9月18日下午,由中国科协主办的、中国计量测试学会承办的“2018年世界公众科学素质促进大会-国际单位制的演变及影响”分论坛在国家会议中心召开。中国计量科学研究院院长方向,中国计量科学研究院首席研究员、中国工程院院士李天初,上海交通大学科学史与科学文化研究院书记、特聘教授关增建,德国联邦物理技术研究院(PTB)康纳德赫尔曼(Konrad Herrmann)博士分别作学术报告,阐述国际单位制变革带来的影响变化和计量历史发展的重要意义等。论坛由中国计量测试学会理事长蒲长城主持。[/color][color=#333333][color=#333333] 蒲长城表示,2018年11月,国际计量大会将审订新的国际单位制(SI)修订案,多个SI单位将实现“从实物到量子”的变革,SI单位量子化的大门由此全面打开。人类认知世界的测量精度将由此不断得到提升,测量范围不断得到扩大,测量应用的领域也将不断扩展。同时,计量历史发展能够更精准的捕捉未来努力的方向,挖掘计量历史文化价值意义重大。[/color][/color][color=#333333][color=#333333] 方向在题为“精无止境——国际单位制的量子化演进”的报告中,从“孔子和姚明到底谁高?”“海水可以斗量吗?”、“变态辣到底有多辣?”等大众感兴趣的话题切入,引出“国际单位制”“量子化变革”等重要概念,介绍了国际单位制为什么要变革?怎么变?变革的影响,以及中国特别是中国国家计量院在应对变革的重要贡献和成果。 李天初院士以“时间是什么——原子钟和原子时”为题,从天文时与机械钟的对比,讲解了原子钟与原子时、关于秒定义的讨论,并列举了时间频率的应用。 从关增建教授的报告中可以了解到中国古人对计量已有很深的认识。中国古代计量与社会发展保持了比较强的正面互动,中国古代计量特征不同于西方,在现代科学产生之前的相当长一段历史时期保持世界领先地位。 赫尔曼博士的报告指出,中国和西方计量源于不同的技术背景,并走上了不同的道路。可以从制作测量设备和标准器所用材料、底层技术和产品等方面可清楚地区别中国和西方计量发展的技术差异。[/color][/color][color=#333333][color=#333333] 国家市场监督管理总局计量司司长谢军、中国计量院副院长吴方迪等领导,来自计量技术机构等科研院所的计量技术人员、高校师生,以及对计量知识文化感兴趣的民众近百人参加了此次论坛。[/color][/color]



  • 产品简介ZR-2021型 大流量空气微生物采样器应用于空气微生物采集,产品配备多级采样头,可以大量采集气溶胶,去除尘埃、花粉等大于12μm和小于2μm的粒子,分离出2~12μm可能含有微生物的可吸入粒子,浓缩至较小的气流中,通过porton进行样品采集。ZR-2021型 大流量空气微生物采样器可作为专业监测机构、疾控中心、医院、环保部门进行环境监测的设备,特别适用于机场安检、大型会议中心等重要场所的生物安全监测。技术特点l 超浓缩分离技术,实现大流量吸入,小流量冲击式采样;l 高精度电子流量控制技术,实现3路不同流量精确控制;l 采集时间短,效率高;l 高负压、大流量交流风机,动力强、噪音低;l 5寸触摸屏操作,内容直观,操作简捷;l 便携式设计,主机与浓缩采样器分离组合;l 支持外置蓝牙高速打印机;l 支持USB数据导出,内置大容量数据存储器,具备瞬时数据存储功能;l 采样过程中断电数据自动保护,来电后继续采样;
  • ZR-2022型 智能空气微生物采样器产品简介ZR-2022型 大流量微生物浓缩采样器 嗜肺军团菌 应用于空气微生物采集,产品配备多级采样头,可以大量采集气溶胶,去除尘埃、花粉等大于12um和小于2um的粒子,分离出2~12um可能含有微生物的可吸入粒子,浓缩至较小的气流中,通过porton进行样品采集。ZR-2022型 大流量微生物浓缩采样器 嗜肺军团菌 可作为专业监测机构、疾控中心、医院、环保部门进行环境监测的设备,特别适用于机场安检、大型会议中心等重要场所的生物安全监测。技术特点l 超浓缩分离技术,实现中流量吸入,小流量冲击式采样;l 高精度电子流量控制技术,实现2路不同流量精确控制;l 采集时间短,效率高;l 高负压、中流量交流风机,动力强、噪音低;l 整机防水、防尘、防碰撞性能优异 ;l 5寸触摸屏操作,内容直观,操作简捷;l 便携一体式设计,小巧轻便;l 支持外置蓝牙高速打印机;l 支持USB数据导出,内置大容量数据存储器,具备瞬时数据存储功能l 采样过程中断电数据自动保护,来电后继续采样;
  • SIGIS 2 是一款基于单点检测的红外光谱仪和扫描系统的遥感遥测成像红外光谱仪。它能对气体云团自动进行远距离鉴定、定量和化学成像。SIGIS 2 是一种被动式红外遥感系统,无需外部光源或反射光学元件。SIGIS 2 可以在视频图像上设定测量区域,自动测试,自动分析测试结果,并可将化学成像叠加到视频图像上。SIGIS 2 系统应用于工业设施监控、环境保护、大气和火山等研究。值得一提的是,SIGIS 2 作为必备装备广泛应用于世界各国的紧急响应体系中。主要特点 扫描式气体成像系统 自动、实时鉴定和定量各种气体,包括各种有机和无机气体 被动式远距离探测(标配红外专用望远镜),无需外部光源或反射光学元件 高光通量及低噪声,灵敏度高 自动补偿和扣除大气中各种干扰气体对测试结果的影响 系统自动标定,无需再用目标气体进行标定 提供大量实时的光谱库和扩展的离线库(TIC和CWA) 可实现连续(24/7)监控 可见光视频和红外摄像头确保系统昼夜皆可使用 数据可自动上传到服务器 360°全方位监控 为一般用户和专家提供的各种软件包,简单易用。应用SIGIS 2 能 24/7 连续测量,能自动实时鉴定和定量各种气体,包括各种有机和无机气体,可以用于监控工业设施的气体泄漏、环境保护和大气应用及学术研究,比如火山学研究,以及各种大型会议的安全保障等。SIGIS 2 也是全球国应急反应部队的必备装备,用于对灾难或事故发生时释放的潜在有害气体进行监测和危险评估,还用于监控各种大型会议和活动,比如,政治峰会或大型国际体育赛事,防止化学品威胁、实现快速、应急响应。


  • 2011年11、7-11日绿百草色谱柱与填料技术应用研讨会
    北京绿百草科技发展有限公司是一家专业经营纯化填料、色谱柱、化学试剂和实验室设备及相关技术服务的科技型企业,我们的产品应用于制药、生物、食品、环境等领域。凭借世界一流的产品和服务,绿百草科技与广大客户建立了长期稳定的战略合作关系,被众多企业和科研机构认定为&ldquo 指定供应商&rdquo 。 2011上半年,我们成功地在北京、广州、成都等地举办了大赛璐手性色谱分析方法研讨会,得到了广大师生和科研工作者的一致好评。应许多客户的要求,11月7、9、11号分别在广州、成都、大连,北京绿百草与日本TOSOH公司共同举办了色谱柱与填料技术应用研讨会,参会者都可领取精美礼品一份,并有机会赢取Itouch4和精美蓝牙耳机。具体时间与地点如下: 2011.11.7,8:30-16:00,广州中山大学东苑宾馆1楼多功能厅; 2011.11.9,8:30-16:00,成都四川大学科华苑宾馆多功能厅; 2011.11.11,8:30-16:00,大连星海假日酒店丽晶A厅。 时 间 内 容 演讲者 8:30-9:10 报道,领取会议资料 09:10 -10:20 TOSOH公司ProteinA填料新产品介绍 TOSOH公司市场部山崎洋介部长 10:20‐10:30 茶歇 10:30‐11:30 TOYOPEARL填料在疫苗产品分离纯化中的最新应用介绍 TOSOH公司市场部山崎洋介部长 11:30&ndash 12:00 北京绿百草科技发展有限公司介绍 张黎明 12:00-13:30 提供免费午餐 13:30-14:40 TSK-GEL色谱柱技术以及常见问题的解决方法 TOSOH公司市场部 张琳 博士 14:40-15:50 抗体分析相关的色谱柱技术 TOSOH公司 市场部 富泽 洋 15:50 抽奖环节,有机会赢取Itouch4。
  • TVOC采样管Tenax TX(GC) 进口空柱(封管)
    我厂主要产品有:   溶剂解吸型和热解吸型、碱性和浸渍活性炭采样管;   溶剂解吸型和热解吸型、碱性、酸性和浸渍硅胶采样管;   401有机担体、CDX-501、CDX-103、XAD-2、碘化钾、聚氨酯泡沫、Tenax TA(TVOC)等特殊吸附材料采样管;   总粉尘采样收集器;   大小型气泡、多孔玻管(白,棕)和冲击式吸收管;   三氧化铬氧化管、顶空瓶、螺口瓶等玻璃仪器等。   溶剂解吸型活性碳采样管通过中国疾病预防控制中心职业卫生与中毒控制所、上海疾病预防控制中心、上海市环境监测中心、江苏省疾病预防控制中心和江苏省环境检测中心等权威部门的测试和试用,苯、甲苯和二甲苯本底值低于检出限,苯的解吸效率99.6%,甲苯的解吸效率98%,二甲苯的解吸效率96%,100mg活性炭苯穿透容量7mg,甲苯穿透容量13.1mg,二甲苯穿透容量10.8mg,达到环境监测和职业监测的要求。   本厂应邀参加了“全国职业卫生检测科研协作年度会议”,会上与各地代表进行了技术交流和征求了代表们的意见,在家对我厂的活性炭采样管和硅胶采样管等系列产品给予了很好的评价。   本厂经过多年努力地生产和经营,产品已销往北京、上海、天津、重庆、江苏、浙江、安徽、山东、辽宁、吉林、河南、河北、福建、广东、云南、四川、山西、陕西、甘肃、湖南、湖北、广西、内蒙古等地方的各级国家和省市实验室。
  • GH-I型活性炭采样管(吸附管)
    我厂主要产品有:  溶剂解吸型和热解吸型、碱性和浸渍活性炭采样管;  溶剂解吸型和热解吸型、碱性、酸性和浸渍硅胶采样管;  401有机担体、CDX-501、CDX-103、XAD-2、碘化钾、聚氨酯泡沫、Tenax TA(TVOC)等特殊吸附材料采样管;  总粉尘采样收集器;  大小型气泡、多孔玻管(白,棕)和冲击式吸收管;  三氧化铬氧化管、顶空瓶、螺口瓶等玻璃仪器等。  溶剂解吸型活性碳采样管通过中国疾病预防控制中心职业卫生与中毒控制所、上海疾病预防控制中心、上海市环境监测中心、江苏省疾病预防控制中心和江苏省环境检测中心等权威部门的测试和试用,苯、甲苯和二甲苯本底值低于检出限,苯的解吸效率99.6%,甲苯的解吸效率98%,二甲苯的解吸效率96%,100mg活性炭苯穿透容量7mg,甲苯穿透容量13.1mg,二甲苯穿透容量10.8mg,达到环境监测和职业监测的要求。  本厂应邀参加了“全国职业卫生检测科研协作年度会议”,会上与各地代表进行了技术交流和征求了代表们的意见,在家对我厂的活性炭采样管和硅胶采样管等系列产品给予了很好的评价。  本厂经过多年努力地生产和经营,产品已销往北京、上海、天津、重庆、江苏、浙江、安徽、山东、辽宁、吉林、河南、河北、福建、广东、云南、四川、山西、陕西、甘肃、湖南、湖北、广西、内蒙古等地方的各级国家和省市实验室。

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