
Discover How IC-MS/MS Can Be Used For Environmental Monitoring


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    Attend this Interactive , Live Web Event (http://www.lcgcmag.com/ICmsmswebinar) on Wednesday, November 30, 2005
    Presented by:

    Moderated by
    Dave Walsh,
    Editor in Chief,
    LCGC and
    This FREE interactive Webcast will help you discover how IC-MS/MS is being used for an increasing number of applICations to monitor emerging environmental contaminants. Attend one, or both, of two informative events for North AmerICan and European audiences

    North AmerICan Broadcast
    1:00 - 2:00 EST
    6:00 - 7:00 GMT

    Speaker Panel:
    Ben Blount, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), U.S. Department of Health and Human ServICes

    Andre Schreiber, Applied
    Biosystems/MDS Sciex

    Doug Later, Dionex Corporation

    European Broadcast
    8:00 - 9:00 EST
    1:00 - 2:00 GMT

    Speaker Panel:
    Prof K. Clive Thompson,
    ALcontrol Laboratories

    Andre Schreiber, Applied
    Biosystems/MDS Sciex

    Doug Later, Dionex Corporation

    You are invited to join in a timely discussion with industry experts on the following key topICs:

    Key applICations such as HaloacetIC Acids (HAA), Oxyhalides (e.g. Bromate), Perchlorate, Endocrine Disruptors, and PestICide Residues (e.g. Glyphosate).
    Advantages of IC separation technology coupled with MS/MS detection.
    AnalytICal instrumentation required for exploring potential IC-MS/MS applICations.
    The increasing role of IC-MS/MS in monitoring regulated environmental contaminants at the ppb and sub-ppb levels in challenging matrICes.

    Join the discussion! Ask questions! Learn!

    Sponosored by:

    Visit www.lcgcmag.com/ICmsmswebinar to join this FREE event! (http://www.lcgcmag.com/ICmsmswebinar)

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    For more information on other Dionex events, clICk here (http://www1.dionex.com/en-us/lp4789.html) .
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