闲鹤野云 2008/01/16
[quote]原文由 [B]quanbaogang[/B] 发表: 前些天老外给我回信了,说1月份给消息,但是等了将近一个月了一直没有消息。这些天国内有工作的信息,对方很想我决定是否愿意。由于我也比较看好国内的单位,但是那个国内单位要我一周内给回复。 我必须在这周内向老外要确认,否则也同国内签了国外的offer也下来了,不是浪费了出国的好机会。 但是我不知道怎样向老外问才好。特别是英文信怎样写。 请各位大侠帮帮我! [/quote] Dear Sir (name): Happy New Year!Many thanks for your kind consideration of my application to this position. Another institution offered me a position yesterday and they asked me to make the decision in a week. However, I still want to work with you and be a member of your team. In your last email you also mentioned that the application procedure will be finalized this early January. Therefore, I am wondering if you can inform me this week your decision over my application for this possition so I can make the decision. Once again, great appreciations to your reply and understanidng of my situation. Best regards Quan Baogang
何当奇 2008/01/16
[quote]原文由 [B]quanbaogang[/B] 发表: 前些天老外给我回信了,说1月份给消息,但是等了将近一个月了一直没有消息。这些天国内有工作的信息,对方很想我决定是否愿意。由于我也比较看好国内的单位,但是那个国内单位要我一周内给回复。 我必须在这周内向老外要确认,否则也同国内签了国外的offer也下来了,不是浪费了出国的好机会。 但是我不知道怎样向老外问才好。特别是英文信怎样写。 请各位大侠帮帮我! [/quote] 这样的信没有写过。但是我觉得吧,还是诚实一点,实话实说的问对方。或者直接电话对方,比较便捷一些
dickwang2008 2008/01/16
无名 2008/01/16
记得当初跟我的老板是这样表述的: 很荣幸有机会加入公司职员的团体,但是因为某些原因,我必须在3日内做出相关的决定,因此很希望能够尽快得到公司的最终结果!
蜀国大将军 2008/01/16
发E-mail直接问吧。 先说明申请的职位、日期、及对方计划在1月答复等信息。 再说明目前国内有另外一份offer,需要在一周内答复。你很犹豫。 最后说明自己可以胜任国外的这份工作,同时也愿意去国外这家单位工作。 结尾请对方尽快回信。 个人看法,供参考。 PS:可以申请国外的职位,版主的英文应该不错,我就不用提供英文了吧。
Dear Sir (name):
Happy New Year!Many thanks for your kind consideration of my application to this position.
Another institution offered me a position yesterday and they asked me to make the decision in a week. However, I still want to work with you and be a member of your team. In your last email you also mentioned that the application procedure will be finalized this early January. Therefore, I am wondering if you can inform me this week your decision over my application for this possition so I can make the decision.
Once again, great appreciations to your reply and understanidng of my situation.
Best regards
Quan Baogang
应将“Dear Sir (name):”改成:“Dear Sir (name),”。在英文信称呼后不用标点符号冒号(:),而用逗号(,)。