
ICP-AES系列学习12.13:Problem Elements


  • 1.(Hg)
    A common problem with Hg is stability. For an overview of Hg stability please our article entitled Mercury Stability Facts. In March of 2003, the EPA published a bulletin describing the use of Au to stabilize Hg solutions (www.epa.gov/nerlesd1/factsheets/mpt.pdf). When working at the ppb level we have found that using HCl rather than nitric acid will maintain the stability of Hg+2 solutions in plastic (LDPE) containers.
    Another problem with Hg is loss during sample preparation. When performing acid digestions, the use of closed vessel digestion or the use of condensers should be considered. Ashing should be avoided. Only use validated sample preparation procedures.
    Here are some additional suggestions when working with mercury:
    The presence of reducing agents in the solution may reduce Hg to the metal causing false high results due to the volatility of the element where the introduction system delivers more Hg to the plasma as a result.
    The use of plastic introduction systems will cause unusually long washout times. Glass is preferred and the use of HCl rather than nitric acid will reduce the washout time.
    The use of nitric acid matrices for ppb Hg determinations by ICP-MS should only be attempted using Au as a stabilizing agent (see above link).

    2.Gold (Au)
    The chemical stability of Au is very similar to that of Hg. The following suggestions may be helpful:
    Nitric acid solutions of Au at the low ppm and ppb levels are not stable. Use HCl matrices.
    Do no use Pt crucibles when ashing samples containing Au. Au will alloy with the Pt.
    When measuring Au in the presence of significantly greater amounts of Pt using ICP-MS, be aware of the resolving capability of your instrument.
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  • 第1楼2005/03/20

    3.Silicon (Si)
    The following suggestions are advised when working with silicon:
    Si is a common contaminant. In addition to the obvious use of laboratory glassware, common sources of contamination include silicon oil/grease, plastics containing catalyst residue, and air particulates.
    Sio is easily dissolved using an equal mixture of HF:HNO3:H2O. SiO2 is readily soluble in either HF or NaOH. Regardless of the mode of dissolution, solutions should be stored in plastics known to contain no catalyst residues or that have been leached with dilute HF for 48 hours.
    Exercise caution when hearing solutions containing Si and HF. Si may be lost as the volatile H2SiF6 when heated. When water is present H2SiF6 will not form. If you wish to remove Si from the sample then add sulfuric acid and heat in a Pt crucible.
    Silicon dioxide is soluble in caustic media. When acidified it is stable at low ppm levels but will slowly polymerize and precipitate out of solution. Common preparations involve sodium carbonate fusions in Pt crucibles and dissolution of the fuseate with HCl - make sure the ppm level of Si upon dilution is low ppm and the solution is not allowed to sit for extender periods.
    HF (even low ppm levels of HF) containing samples should not be put through glass or quartz introduction systems when Si, B, Na, or Al are analytes of interest.

    4.Osmium (Os)
    Keep the following in mind when working with osmium:
    Os should not be exposed to any oxidizing agents to avoid the formation of OsO4. The tetroxide is very volatile and toxic.
    A common mistake is to dilute Os containing solutions with solutions containing nitric acid. Tetroxide formation is slow but will cause false high readings due to the increased amount of the gaseous tetroxide reaching the plasma.
    Only work with Os in HCl containing solutions and use a separate waste container. Check with your safety coordinator or manager before using and attempting to dispose of Os.
    Use glass introduction systems if at all possible when measuring Os. The washout times from plastic introduction systems are slower.

    5.Sodium (Na)
    The single most common problem with Na is contamination. Sodium is literally everywhere. Thousands of tons of salt are transferred from the ocean to the air in the form of sub-micron particulates and can travel for hundreds of miles inland. For more information on contamination please refer to the following links:
    Environmental Contamination
    Contamination From Reagents
    Contamination From the Analyst and Apparatus

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  • 第2楼2005/03/20

    6.Arsenic (As)
    Avoid using dry ashing for sample preparation. Loss during sample preparation as the volatile oxide (As2O3 bp 460 °C) or chloride (AsCl3 bp 130 °C) can be avoided by performing closed vessel digestions (EPA Methods 3051 and 2052), acid digestions under reflux conditions (EPA Method 3050B, perchloric acid digestion) or by caustic fusion using either sodium carbonate or sodium peroxide/sodium carbonate fluxes.

    Approach ICP-OES and ICP-MS determinations with caution. ICP-OES suffers from poor sensitivity and spectral interference issues and ICP-MS from the 40Ar35Cl mass interference (other interferences include 59Co16O, 36Ar38Ar1H, 38Ar37Cl, 36Ar39K, 150Nd2+, and 150Sm2+) on the monoisotopic 75As. The use of atomic absorption using either the hydride generation or the graphite furnace techniques is very popular, although the use of 'reaction cells' that appear to eliminate the 40Ar35Cl interference in ICP-MS is an option worth exploring.

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  • 第3楼2005/03/21


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  • 第4楼2005/03/21


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  • 第5楼2005/03/21


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  • 第6楼2005/03/21

    7.Sulfur (S)
    Conventionally, sulfur measurements are made using combustion techniques coupled with measurement of the SO2 combustion gas by infrared, micro-coulometric, or titrimetric (iodometric) techniques. Since 1974, techniques involving ion chromatography (speciation) and X-ray fluorescence have become very popular. More recently, ICP-OES has become a viable measurement technique for sulfur due to the availability of affordable radial view instrumentation with measurement capability in the vacuum UV spectral region and the relative freedom of spectral interferences. Popular emission lines with IDLs measured in our laboratory are shown in Table 1

    Table 1 - Common Sulfur Emission Lines

    Line IDL (radial) Line IDL (radial)
    142.503 .04 礸/mL 166.668 .02 礸/mL
    143.328 .04 礸/mL 180.734 .07 礸/mL
    147.399 .05 礸/mL 182.040 .03 礸/mL

    The following tips may prove useful in the preparation and solution chemistry of samples for sulfur analysis using ICP-OES:

    Loss during sample preparation is a significant issue. Preparations using closed vessel systems are recommended. Parr bomb fusions, Sch鰊iger Flask combustions, and closed vessel microwave digestions should be considered depending upon the sample matrix, sulfur compound type(s), sulfur levels and sample size requirements needed to make quantitative measurements.

    Preparations including sulfate, Ba and Pb should be avoided. The molecular form of the sulfur may have compatibility issues with other chemical species in the sample solution preparation. Sulfate (SO4=) sulfur is a common molecular form resulting from oxidative sample preparations. Even though the preparation promises to deliver sulfite (SO3=) sulfur this species quickly air oxidizes in aqueous solution to the sulfate form. Sulfate readily precipitates with solutions containing Pb or Ba.

    Water soluble samples known to contain sulfur as sulfate, sulfite or low molecular weight water soluble sulfonic acids (RSO3H) may need no sample preparation but samples known to contain sulfur in other forms such as sulfides (S=), elemental (S?), polysulfides ( Sn=), thiols (RSH), organic sulfides and disulfides (R-S-R and R-S-S-R), thiolesters (R-CO-SR) etc. should undergo oxidative sample preparation to avoid possible compatibility issues with other solution components. In addition, the addition of acid to sulfide containing samples will emit H2S.

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  • 第7楼2005/03/21

    8.Chromium (Cr)
    The major difficulty that I have experienced with Cr is that it often exists in forms that are difficult to put into solution. Chromite (FeO.Cr2O3), chromic oxide, pigments, stainless steel and ferro-chrome all present a challenge but the hexavalent chromium oxides are the most difficult. If the oxide has been ignited (pigments) the refractory nature is such that an analyst confronted with the task of bringing about solution will never forget the experience. The most common approach is to perform a fusion. Fusions that have been used include but are not limited to potassium and sodium bisulfate, carbonate (sodium or potassium), sodium peroxide, NaOH / KNO3, and NaOH / Na2O2. In addition, the fusion will not be complete unless the chrome is finely divided and mixed with the flux.

    Know you sample to the fullest extent possible. The possible chemical forms of Cr should influence the sample preparation technique employed.

    If your sample is an inorganic pigment containing Cr then you know that you have an extremely refractory material to dissolve.

    If you are unfamiliar with your sample type a literature search is strongly suggested.

    Method validation using a CRM containing Cr in the suspected or known chemical form(s) is vital. The importance of CRMs prepared from 'real world' materials is critical (i.e., synthetic CRMs are likely to contain easily dissolved compounds).

    Avoid mixing water-soluble hexavalent chrome with Ba or Pb to avoid loss of Cr Pb and Ba as the insoluble chromates.

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  • 第8楼2005/03/21

    9.Lead (Pb)
    Lead has a number of chemical compatibility issues. In trace analysis the analyst typically does not experience serious problems unless attempting to combine Pb with sulfate or chromate. Other chemical components to avoid are the halogens (Cl, F, Br, and I), thiosulfate, arsenate, and sulfide to name the most common. However, the major problem with trace Pb analysis is contamination from the apparatus and atmosphere. Pb is used in industry in plumbing (pipes), solder, gasoline (significantly curtailed), drying agent for oils, glass, plumber's cement, covering of steel to prevent rust, as a pigment in paint (significantly curtailed), hair dye and as a pigment in plastics.

    Environmental contamination from airborne particulates is still a major concern in certain regions/laboratories depending upon location and age. When tetraethyl lead was widely used as an octane booster it was impossible to avoid environmental contamination in an open digestion apparatus. Open digestions in hoods where large volumes of air pass over the apparatus are of most concern. Closed container digestions or clean rooms / hoods are suggested to avoid this source of contamination.

    Avoid the use of any type of glass in sample preparations for Pb. Use quartz or fused silica and perform a sufficient number of blanks to define the degree of contamination.

    Avoid the use of any plastic with an inorganic pigment. Here Pb is only one of many concerns.

    ?Teflon containers should be carefully leached with dilute nitric acid before use and blanks performed to confirm freedom from Pb contamination. Be particularly suspicious of Teflon that has been used in sample preparations where Pb was a major, minor or trace component.

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  • 第9楼2005/03/21

    10.Barium (Ba)
    Of the four acids most commonly used in sample preparations, Ba will form precipitates with HF and H2SO4. In addition, the solubility of BaHPO4 and BaCrO4 are 0.01 and 0.001 g/100 g H2O respectively. Solutions that are neutral or alkaline will ppt. BaCO3 (solubility 0.0024 g/100g H2O).

    Samples containing Ba and sulfur compounds may form BaSO4 in oxidative decompositions. I know of no simple way to dissolve this precipitate. Since small amounts of barium sulfate do not readily coagulate the precipitate can easily go unnoticed. Attempts to dissolve barium sulfate have seemingly focused upon the use of EDTA (Kf 7.86) and DTPA (Kf 8.78). However, the pH of the solution, which must be ~ 5, can lead to precipitation and/or adsorption problems with other analytes and the dissolution rate is slow.

    Avoid combinations of Ba+2 with SO4=, CrO4= or F-1 in acidic media.

    Avoid raising the pH of sample solutions containing Ba+2 to 7 or greater to avoid loss as the carbonate or hydrogen phosphate

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  • 第10楼2005/03/21

    11.Silver (Ag)
    Ag forms more insoluble salts than any other metal although Pb and Hg are not far behind.
    Table 2 - Solubility of common silver salts at room temp. (~22 C°)

    Salt Solubility in g./100g. H2O
    Acetate 1.04
    Arsenate 0.085
    Arsenite 0.00115
    Borate 0.905
    Bromate 0.196
    Bromide 0.014
    Carbonate 0.105
    Chloride 0.0154
    Chromate 0.00256
    Cyanide 0.022
    Ferricyanide 0.066
    Fluoride 172
    Iodate 0.00503
    Iodide 0.028
    Nitrate 216
    Oxalate 0.00378
    Oxide 0.00248
    Phosphate 0.064
    Sulfate 0.83
    Sulfide 0.0174
    Tartrate 0.0201
    Thiocyanate 0.025

    The use of nitric acid and/or HF is preferred for preparation of samples for Ag analysis. Solutions of Ag in either acid are stable for extended periods.

    Trace levels of HCl or Cl-1 must be eliminated otherwise a fixed error due to AgCl precipitation will result.

    If the sample preparation requires the use of HCl, attempt to keep the HCl content high (10% v/v) in an attempt to keep the Ag in solution as the AgClx1-x anionic chloride complex. In addition, the concentration of Ag should be ≤ 10 礸/mL Ag. In short, keep the HCl concentration high and the Ag concentration low.

    Solutions containing suspended AgCl and/or the AgClx1-x anionic chloride complex are photosensitive. The Ag+1 will undergo photo-reduction to the metal (Ag0). When intentionally working in HCl minimize exposure to light.

    Many analysts experience low Ag recoveries when working in HNO3 media. The problem is due to trace chloride contamination. Although analysts are aware of the problems with precipitation as the chloride, they are puzzled because no AgCl is observed. However, the metal has already photo-reduced onto the container walls.


