
【佳句美文】和你分享的5句话-Five points to share with you

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  • 从网上看到一个短文,英语优美且颇具哲理,恰好有学有余力者附上了优美的译文,自己不敢独享!
    1 Excellence is a habit
    Aristotle, the greatest philosopher of ancient Greece, once said this. If excellence is a habit, laziness, then, is too. People have different tempers from their nature by the time they were born, but all other traits are shaped after that, by family influence and nurture.Therefore, what we say and do are habits accrued by time. Some people have good habits, while some others have bad habits. What we should do from now on is to make excellence a habit, be used to it, and make it our second nature. Let us get used to creative thinking, working carefully, treating others nicely, and appreciating the grand nature. (Open your eyes wide, breathe deeply but peacefully, and see the world as you were an infant).

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    2 Life is a process
    Getting result is important, but the process in doing it means more, as good results bring joy, but the process makes life rich. Death is thedestiny of every life, but we can't deduce from that to say life is meaningless. Eternity seldom exists in real life. When a college studenttells his love he'll love her forever, in most cases it turns out not true. Statistics found 90 out of 100 pairs of dating students ended up parting, and of those who did get married, 50% ended up divorcing. So islove perpetual? Perhaps not. It would be more truthful in saying "I really love you at the very moment of now." (Let the very moment last tobe a lifetime, and love would follow. But remember, all people are not as persistent as you are, forgive him, for it may be better to part intact than to be together unhappily) Your heart may be broken whenyour love leaves, but the pain becomes an experience which enriches your life.

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    3 The shortest distance between two dots is not alway a straight line
    Either in people interaction or during the process of doing something, it's rather hard to get it right through a straight-forward approach. Wesometimes wait, sometimes cooperate, and sometimes need tactics. There are difficulties and obstacles to overcome, and unnecessary enduring and simply rushing to the point is not always the best way. Consider detour, detouring a difficulty could solve a problem more smoothly than you thought it could. Think, don't we even choose words when speaking to others? So in a society as complicated as China, learn to understand others, leaving an impression in others that you arekind and mature will help you accomplish something. (Sigh, has it to beso complicated?)

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    4 Only one who knows to stop can accelerate
    When I ski, the most scary feeling is having no idea of how to stop. I did not hire a coach when I first learned to ski, because it seemed so easy when looking at others do it - simply going down from top to the bottom of the hill! So I put on my snow board, and down I went. I actually rolled, instead of ski, down to the bottom. I found I was totally at a loss of knowing how to stop or keep balance, so I practicedover and over again just to learn to stop on a slope. When I learned it, I became bold enough to dash down from top of a mountain, at a very high speed. Because at this point you know for sure whenever you want to stop, you can by simply making a turn. And when you are able to stop, you will not hit a tree or a rock or someone else, you won't end up crashing dead. So, only one who knows to stop can advance speedily.

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    5 To give up is wisdom, and a defect is a gift
    When you have 6 apples, don't eat them all, because when you eat them up, you have them in your belly, and you are left with only one taste, the taste of the apple. But if you share 5 of your apples with 5 people,it looks that you lose 5, but you actually earn friendship and favor from 5 other people. When one day they have more fruit, they would sharethem with you. You would get a tangerine from A, a pear from B, and at the end of the day you get fruit of 5 different kinds, all different tastes and different colors, and 5 people's friendship as well. So, to give up is a wisdom. (Holding on is of course another, not everything can be given up, so wisdom is knowing what to give up andwhat to hold on.)The greatest pleasure in life is to strive for what you want and finallyget 'em, so defects can mean we still have room to perfect, and things for us to strive for. In the United States there was once a teleplay which told a story of a millionaire who left his offsprings with a patrimony so huge that it could never be used up. But his descendants either became drug users, committed suicide, were put to jail, or ended up insane. And why is that? Because the descendants are left more than enough money that they needed not work to get what they want. So when one has everything in his wish list, the living space is deprived from him. How nice it would be when we wake up in the moring only to find there's something missing, something that needs to be perfected, and something that still worth pursuing! (There are holes to the heaven and earth, let alone in us! Isn't it a good thing for us to have room to perfect?)

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  • 深海的海豚


    试着翻译一下:古希腊最伟大的哲学家亚里士多德曾经这样说:如果美德是一种习惯,那么怠惰也同样是一种习惯。 人们与生俱来就带有不同的性情,但是由于家庭的影响和教育会让人们形成之后的各自不同的品性。 因此,我们自然产生了说话和做事的习惯。一些人有着好习惯而另一些人却有坏习惯。 那么我们从现在开始就要习惯于培养良好的习惯,并且把它塑造成我们的后来的天性。让我们习惯创造性的思考,认真工作,友善的对待他人,感激大自然的恩赐。(睁大你的双眼,平静而又深深地呼吸,像你出生时那样观察这个世界)

    quanbaogang 发表:从网上看到一个短文,英语优美且颇具哲理,恰好有学有余力者附上了优美的译文,自己不敢独享!
    1 Excellence is a habit
    Aristotle, the greatest philosopher of ancient Greece, once said this. If excellence is a habit, laziness, then, is too. People have different tempers from their nature by the time they were born, but all other traits are shaped after that, by family influence and nurture.Therefore, what we say and do are habits accrued by time. Some people have good habits, while some others have bad habits. What we should do from now on is to make excellence a habit, be used to it, and make it our second nature. Let us get used to creative thinking, working carefully, treating others nicely, and appreciating the grand nature. (Open your eyes wide, breathe deeply but peacefully, and see the world as you were an infant).


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  • 深海的海豚


    2 Life is a process
    Getting result is important, but the process in doing it means more, as good results bring joy, but the process makes life rich. Death is thedestiny of every life, but we can't deduce from that to say life is meaningless. Eternity seldom exists in real life. When a college studenttells his love he'll love her forever, in most cases it turns out not true. Statistics found 90 out of 100 pairs of dating students ended up parting, and of those who did get married, 50% ended up divorcing. So islove perpetual? Perhaps not. It would be more truthful in saying "I really love you at the very moment of now." (Let the very moment last tobe a lifetime, and love would follow. But remember, all people are not as persistent as you are, forgive him, for it may be better to part intact than to be together unhappily) Your heart may be broken whenyour love leaves, but the pain becomes an experience which enriches your life.

    结果的获得固然重要,而获得结果的过程则有着更大的意义。 正如好的结果会给人带来喜悦,而实现的过程则会让生命充实丰富。虽然死亡是每个生命命中注定的,但是我们不能因此而推断生命毫无意义。 真实生活中是不存在永生的。当一个男生告诉一个女生他会永远爱她,大多数情况很难变成现实,统计表明,被调查的100对学生中超过90对最终都以分手结束,即使走进了婚姻殿堂,他们中的50%最终也会离婚。(如果让“此时此刻”持续一生的时间,爱就会持续一生。但是,请记住,所有的人都不会保持现在的状态恒久不变。原谅他吧,完好的分手可能比不快乐的呆在一起更好。)当你爱的人离开你的时候,你的心可能会破碎,但是这种伤痛会变成一种经历,丰富你的人生。


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  • 深海的海豚


    3. 两点之间并非直线最短


    quanbaogang 发表:3 The shortest distance between two dots is not alway a straight line
    Either in people interaction or during the process of doing something, it's rather hard to get it right through a straight-forward approach. Wesometimes wait, sometimes cooperate, and sometimes need tactics. There are difficulties and obstacles to overcome, and unnecessary enduring and simply rushing to the point is not always the best way. Consider detour, detouring a difficulty could solve a problem more smoothly than you thought it could. Think, don't we even choose words when speaking to others? So in a society as complicated as China, learn to understand others, leaving an impression in others that you are kind and mature will help you accomplish something. (Sigh, has it to be so complicated?)

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  • happyjyl


    不错啊.但是but all other traits are shaped after that, by family influence and nurture这句里没有把all这个意思翻译出来,再改进一下吧.


    lqqer 发表:试着翻译一下:古希腊最伟大的哲学家亚里士多德曾经这样说:如果美德是一种习惯,那么怠惰也同样是一种习惯。 人们与生俱来就带有不同的性情,但是由于家庭的影响和教育会让人们形成之后的各自不同的品性。 因此,我们自然产生了说话和做事的习惯。一些人有着好习惯而另一些人却有坏习惯。 那么我们从现在开始就要习惯于培养良好的习惯,并且把它塑造成我们的后来的天性。让我们习惯创造性的思考,认真工作,友善的对待他人,感激大自然的恩赐。(睁大你的双眼,平静而又深深地呼吸,像你出生时那样观察这个世界)


