


  • 化学专业课程中英文对照,已搜索,无重复!

    普通化学 General Chemistry

    分析化学 Analytical Chemistry

    有机化学 Organic Chemistry

    物理化学 Physical Chemistry

    谱学导论 Introducton of Spectroscopy

    无机化学 Inorganic Chemistry

    普通化学和分析化学实验 Experiments of General and Analytical Chemistry

    现在基础化学 The Principle of Mordern Chemistry

    现在基础化学实验 Experiments of Modern Fundamental Chemistry

    有机化学实验 Experiments of Organic Chemistry

    仪器分析和物理化学实验 Experiments of Instrumental Analysis and Physical Chemistry

    合成化学实验 Experiments of Synthetic Chemistry

    现代化学专题 Topic of Modern Chemistry

    化学综合实验 Experiments of Comprehensive Chemistry

    化工原理 Principle of Chemical Engineering

    化工原理实验 Experiments of Chemical Engineering

    应用化学实验 Experiments of Applied Chemistry

    无机合成化学 Synthetic Inorganic Chemistry

    近代分析化学 Modern Analytical Chemistry
    分离分析化学 Separation Analytical Chemistry

    有机化合物波谱鉴定 Spectrum Identification of Organic Compounds

    有机合成及反应机理 Organic Synthesis and Mechanics 

    化学进展 Progress in Chemistry

    化学反应工程 Chemical Reaction Engineering

    应用电化学 Applied Electrochemistry

    工业催化 Industrial Catalysis 

    环境化学 Environmental Chemistry

    环境监测 Environmental Monitoring

    化学科技英语 Scientific English for Chemistry

    数理方法在化学中的应用 Mathematical Statistics for Chemistry

    化工制图 Chemical Engineering Cartography

    计算机与化学测量实验 Computer and Chemical Measurement

    化学信息学 Chemoinformatics or Chemical Informatics

    应用化学专题 Special Topics in Applied Chemistry
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    一概论     introduction

    方案(建议书)    proposal
    可行性研究    feasibility study
    方案设计    concept design
    工艺设计    process design
    基础设计    basic design
    详细设计    detail design
    开工会议    kick-off meeting
    审核会议    review meeting
    外商投资    foreign investment
    中外合资    joint venture
    中外合营    joint venture
    补偿贸易    compensation trade
    合同 合同附件    contract
    卖方    vendor
    买方    buyer
    顾客    client
    承包商    contractor
    工程公司    company
    供应范围    scope of supply
    生产范围    production scope
    生产能力    production capacity
    项目    project
    界区    battery limit
    装置    plant
    公用工程    utilities
    工艺流程图    process flow diagram
    工艺流程方块图    process block diagram
    管道及仪表流程图    piping and instrument drawing
    物料及热量平衡图    mass & heat balance diagram
    蒸汽及冷凝水平衡图    steam & condensate balance diagram
    设备布置图    equipment layout
    设备表    equipment list
    成品(产品)    product(final product)
    副产品    by-product
    原料    raw-material
    设计基础数据    basic data for design
    技术数据    technical data
    数据表    data sheet
    设计文件    design document
    设计规定    design regulation
    现场服务    site service
    项目变更    project change
    用户变更    client change
    消耗定额    consumption quota
    技术转让    technical transfer
    技术知识    technical know-how
        technical knowledge
    技术保证    technical guarantee
    咨询服务    consultative services
    技术服务    technical services
    工作地点    location
    施工现场    construction field
    报价    quotation
    标书    bidding book
    公司利润    company profit
    固定价合同    fixed price contract
    固定单价合同    fixed unit price contract
    成本加酬金合同    cost plus award fee contract
    定金    mobilization
    银行保证书    bank guarantee letter
    保留金    retention
    所得税    income taxes
    特别承包人税    special contractor's taxes
    城市和市政税    city and municipal taxes
    工作手册    work manual
    工作流程图    work flow diagram
    质量保证程序    QA/QC procedures
    采购计划    procurement plan
    施工计划    construction plan
    施工进度    construction schedule
    项目实施计划    project execution plan
    项目协调程序    project coordination procedure
    项目总进度计划    project master schedule
    设计网络计划    engineering network logic
    项目质量保证    project quality assurance
    项目质量控制    project quality control
    采购    procurement
    采购周期    procurement period
    会签    the squad check
    计算书    calculation sheets
    询价    inquiry
    检验    inspection
    运输    transportation
    开车    start up / commission
    验收    inspection & acceptance
    校核    check
    审核    review
    审定    approve
    版次    version
    部门    department
    专业    specialty
    项目号    project number
    图号    drawing number
    目录    contents
    序言    foreword
    章    chapter
    节    section
    项    item
    MR    material requisition
    SPEC    engineering specification
    DATA SHEET(技术表)    technical data sheet
    TBA(技术评标)    technical bid analysis
    PDP    preliminary design package
    PM (项目经理)    project manager
    LDE(专业负责人)    lead discipline engineer
    MRQ(材料询价单)    Material requisition for quotation
    MRP(材料采购单)    material requisition for purchase
    BEP(基础工程设计包)    basic engineering package
    P&ID(管道及仪表流程图)    piping and instrument drawing(diagram)
    PFD    process flow diagram
    NNF    normally no flow
    FO    failure open
    FC    failure close
    C/S/A    civil/structure/architecture
    DDP(详细设计阶段)    detail design phase

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    二. 工艺流程   
    连续过程    continuous process
    间歇过程    batch process
    工艺叙述    process description
    工艺特点    process feature
    操作    operation
    反应    reaction
    副反应    side reaction
    絮凝    flocculation
    浮洗    flotation
    倾析    decantation
    催化反应    catalytical reaction
    萃取    extraction
    中和    neutralization
    水解    hydrolysis
    过滤    filtration
    干燥    drying
    还原    reduction
    氧化    oxidation
    氢化    hydrogenation
    分解    decomposition
    离解    dissociation
    合成    synthetics
    吸收    absorption
    吸附    adsorption
    解吸    desorption
    结晶    crystallization
    溶解    solution
    调节    modulate
    控制    control
    悬浮    suspension
    循环    circulation
    再生    regeneration
    再活化    reactivation
    沥取    leaching
    破碎    crushing
    煅烧    caloination
    沉降    sedimentation
    沉淀    precipitation
    气化    gasification
    冷冻    refrigeration
    固化、结晶    solidification
    包装    package
    升华    sublimation
    燃烧    combustion
    引烧    ignition
    蒸馏    distillation
    碳化    carbonization
    压缩    compression

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    固体    solid
    液体    liquid
    气体    gas
    化合物    compound
    混合物    mixture
    粉    powder
    片状粉未    flake
    小粒    granule
    结晶    crystal
    乳化物    emulsion
    氧化物    oxidizing agent
    还原剂    reducing agent
    有机物    organic material
    真空    vacuum
    母液    master liquor
    富液    rich liquor
    贫液    lean liquor
    萃出物    extract
    萃余物    raffinate
    絮凝剂    flocculants
    冷冻盐水    brine
    酸度    acidity
    浓度    concentration
    碱度    alkalinity
    溶解度    solubility
    凝固点    solidificalion point
    沸点    boiling point
    熔点    melting point
    蒸发率    evaporation rate
    粘度    viscosity
    吸水的    water absorbent(a)
    无水的    anhydrous(a)
    外观    appearance
    无色的    colorless(a)
    透明的    transparent(a)
    半透明的    translucent
    密度    density
    比重    specific gravity
    催化剂    catalyst
    燃烧    combustion
    引燃    ignition
    自然点    self-ignition temperature
    可燃气体    combustible gas
    可燃液体    inflammable liquid
    易燃液体    volatile liquid
    爆炸混合物    explosive mixture
    爆炸性环境    explosive atmosphere(environment)
    爆炸极限    explosive concentration limit
    废水    waste water
    废液    waste liquid
    废气    off-gas
    噪声    noise pollution
    成分    composition
    挠度    deflection
    力和力矩    force and moment
    弯矩    bending moment
    应力-应变曲线    stress-strain diagram
    百分比    percentage
    环境温度    ambient temperature
    工作温度    operating
    设计温度    design temperature(pressure)
    相对湿度    RH=relative humidity
    油渣、淤泥    sludge
    杂质    impurity

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    泵    pump
    轴流泵    axial flow pump
    真空泵    vacuum pump
    屏蔽泵    canned pump
    柱塞泵    plunger pump
    涡轮泵    turbine pump
    涡流泵    vortex pump
    离心泵    centrifugal pump
    喷射泵    jet pump
    转子泵    rotary pump
    管道泵    inline pump
    双作用往复泵    double action reciprocating pump
    计量泵    metering pump
    深井泵    deep well pump
    齿轮泵    gear pump
    手摇泵    hand(wobble) pump
    螺杆泵    screw (spiral) pump
    潜水泵    submersible pump
    斜转子泵    inclined rotor pump
    封闭式电磁泵    hermetically sealed magnetic drive pump
    气升泵    air-lift-pump
    轴承    bearing
    叶轮    impeller
    虹吸管    siphon
    高压容器    high pressure vessel
    焚化炉    incinerator
    火焰清除器    flame arrester
    工业炉    furnace
    烧嘴    burner
    锅炉    boiler
    回转窑    rotary kiln
    加热器    heater
    电加热器    electric heater
    冷却器    cooler
    冷凝器    condenser
    换热器    heat exchanger
    反应器    reactor
    蒸馏釜    still
    搅拌器    agitator
    混合器    mixer
    静态混合器    static mixers
    管道混合器    line mixers
    混合槽    mixing tanks
    破碎机    crusher
    磨碎机    grinder
    研磨机    pulverizer
    球磨机    ballmill
    过滤器    filter
    分离器    separator
    干燥器    drier
    翅片    fins
    烟囱    stack
    火炬    flare
    筛子    screen
    煅烧窑    calciner
    倾析器    decanter
    蒸发器    evaporator
    再沸器    reboiler
    萃取器    extractor
    离心机    centrifuger
    吸附(收)器    adsorber
    结晶器    crystallizer
    电解槽    electrolyzer
    电除尘器    electric precipitator
    洗涤器    scrubber
    消石灰器    slaker
    料仓    bin
    料斗    hopper
    加料器    feeder
    增稠器    thickener
    澄清器    clarifier
    分级器    classifier
    浮洗器    flocculator
    废液池    sump
    喷射器    ejector
    喷头    sprayer
    成套设备    package unit
    仪器设备    apparatus
    附属设备    accessory
    旋转式压缩机    rotary compressor
    往复式压缩机    reciprocating compressor
    水环式压缩机    nash compressor
    螺杆式压缩机    helical screw compressor
    离心式压缩机    centrifugal compressor
    多级压缩机    mutiple stages compressor
    固定床反应器    fixed bed reactor
    流化床反应器    fluidized bed reactor
    管式反应器    tubular reactor
    列管式换热器    tubular heat exchanger
    螺旋板式换热器    spiral plate heat exchanger
    萃取塔    extraction column
    板式塔    plate column
    填料塔    packed column
    洗涤塔    scrubber
    吸收塔    absorber
    冷却塔    cooling tower
    精馏塔    fractionating tower
    汽提塔    stripper
    再生塔    regenerator
    造粒塔    prill tower
    塔附件    tower accessories
    液体分配(布)器    liquid distributor
    填料支持板    support plate
    定距管    spacer
    降液管    downcomer
    升气管    chimney
    顶(底)层塔盘    top (bottom) tray
    挡板    baffle
    抽出口    draw nozzle
    溢流堰    weir
    泡罩    bubble cap
    筛板    sieve plate
    浮阀    float valve
    除沫器    demister pad
    塔裙座    skirt
    椭圆封头    elliptical head
    高位槽    head tank
    中间槽    intermediate tank
    加料槽    feed tank
    补给槽    make-up tank
    计量槽    measuring tank
    电解槽    cell
    溜槽    chute
    收集槽    collecting tank
    液滴分离器    knockout drum
    稀释罐    thinning tank
    缓冲罐    surge drum
    回流罐    reflux drum
    闪蒸罐    flash drum
    浮顶罐    floating roof tank
    内浮顶罐    covered floating roof tank
    球罐    spheroid
    气柜    gas holder
    湿式气柜    wet gas-holder
    干式气柜    dry gas-holder
    螺旋式气柜    helical gas-holder
    星型放料器,旋转阀    rotary valve
    抽滤器    mutche filter
    压滤器    filter press
    压滤机    pressure filter
    板框压滤器    plate-and-fram filter press
    转鼓过滤器    rotary drum filter
    带式过滤器    belt filter
    袋滤器    bag filter
    旋风分离器    cyclone separator
    盘式干燥箱    compartment tray drier
    真空干燥器    vacuum drier
    隧道式干燥器    tunnel drier
    回转干燥器    rotary drier
    穿流循环干燥器    through circulation drier
    喷雾干燥器    spray drier
    气流干燥器    pneumatic conveyor drier
    圆盘式加料器    dish feeder
    螺旋式加料器    screw feeder
    颚式破碎机    jaw crusher
    回转破碎机    gyratory crusher
    滚洞破碎机    roll crusher
    锤式破碎机    hammer crusher
    冲击破碎机    rotor impact breaker
    气流喷射粉碎机    jet pulverizer
    棍磨机    rod mill
    雷蒙机    raymond mill
    锤磨机    hammer mill
    辊磨机    roller mill
    振动筛    vibrating screen
    回转筛    rotary screen
    风机    fan
    罗茨鼓风机    root's blower
    起重机    crane
    桥式起重机    bridge crane
    电动葫芦    motor hoist
    发电机    generator
    电动机    motor
    汽轮机    steam turbine

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    五、管道工程    piping engineering
    1 阀门    valve
    阀杆    stem
    内螺纹阀杆    inside screw
    阀座    valve seat (body seat)
    阀座环、密封圈    sealing ring
    阀芯(包括密封圈,杆等)    trim
    阀盘    disc
    阀体    body
    阀盖    bonnet
    手轮    hand wheel
    手柄    hand level (handle)
    压盖    gland
    闸阀    gate valve
    平行双闸板    double disc parallel seat
    楔形单闸板    split wedge
    截止阀    globe valve
    节流阀    throttle valve
    针阀    needle valve
    角阀(角式截止阀)    angle valve
    Y型阀(截止阀)    Y-valve(Y-body globe valve)
    球阀    ball valve
    三通球阀    3-way ball valve
    蝶阀    butterfly valve
    对夹式(薄片型)    wafer type
    偏心阀板蝶阀    offset disc (eccentric) butterfly valve
    斜阀盘蝶阀    canted disc butterfly valve
    连杆式蝶阀    link butterfly valve
    止回式蝶阀    combined non-return butterfly valve
    柱塞阀    piston type valve
    旋塞阀    plug valve
    三通旋塞阀    three-way plug valve
    四通旋塞阀    four-way plug valve
    旋塞    cock
    衬套旋塞    sleeve cock
    隔膜阀    diaphragm valve
    橡胶衬里隔膜阀    rubber lined diaphragm valve
    直通式隔膜阀    straight way diaphragm valve
    夹紧式胶管阀    pinch valve
    止回阀    check valve
    升降式止回阀    lift check valve
    旋启式止回阀    swing check valve
    落球式止回阀    ball check valve
    弹簧球式止回阀    spring ball check valve
    底阀    foot valve
    切断式止回阀    stop check valve
    活塞式止回阀    piston check valve
    翻板止回阀    flap check valve
    蝶式止回阀    butterfly check valve
    安全泄气阀    safety[SV]
    安全泄放阀    relief valve[RV]
    安全泄压阀    safety relief valve
    杠杆重锤式    lever and weight type
    罐底排污阀    flush-bottom tank valve
    波纹管密封阀    bellow sealed valve
    电磁阀    solenoid (operated) valve
    电动阀    electrically(electric-motor)operated valve
    气动阀    pneumatic operated valve
    低温用阀    cryogenic service valve
    蒸汽疏水阀    steam trap
    机械式疏水阀    mechanical trap
    浮桶式疏水阀    open (top) bucket trap
    浮球式疏水阀    float trap
    倒吊桶式疏水阀    inverted bucket trap
    自由浮球式疏水阀    loose float trap
    恒温式疏水阀    thermostatic trap
    压力平衡式恒温疏水阀    balanced pressure thermostatic trap
    热动力式疏水阀    thermodynamic trap
    脉冲式蒸汽疏水阀    impulse steam trap
    放汽阀(自动放汽阀)    (automatic) air vent valve
    换向阀    diverting (reversing) valve
    呼吸阀    breather valve
    减压阀    pressure reducing valve
    控制阀    control valve
    执行机构    actuator
    差压调节阀    differential pressure regulating valve
    切断阀    block (shut-off, stop) valve
    调节阀    regulating valve
    快开阀    quick opening valve
    快闭阀    quick closing valve
    隔断阀    isolating valve
    三通阀    three way valve
    夹套阀    jacketed valve
    非旋转式阀    non-rotary valve
    管子    pipe(按标准制造的配管用管)
    钢管    steel pipe
    铸铁管    cast iron pipe
    衬里管    lined pipe
    复合管    clad pipe
    碳钢管    carbon steel[C.S.]pipe
    合金钢管    alloy steel pipe
    不锈钢管    stainless steel[S.S.]pipe
    奥氏体不锈钢管    austenitic stainless steel pipe
    铁合金钢管    ferritic alloy steel pipe
    轧制钢管    wrought-steel pipe
    锻铁管    wrought-iron pipe
    无缝钢管    seamless[SMLS] steel pipe
    焊接钢管    welded steel pipe
    电阻焊钢管    electric-resistance-welded steel pipe
    电熔(弧)焊钢板卷管    electric-fusion(arc)-welded steel-plate pipe
    螺旋焊接钢管    spiral welded steel pipe
    镀锌钢管    galvanized steel pipe
    排污阀    blowdown valve
    集液排放阀    drip valve
    排液阀    drain valve
    放空阀    vent valve
    卸载阀    unloading valve
    排出阀    discharge valve
    吸入阀    suction valve
    取样阀    sampling valve
    手动阀    hand operated(manually-operated) valve

    (水)龙头    bibb;bib;faucet
    抽出液阀(小阀)    bleed valve
    旁路阀    by-pass valve
    软管阀    hose valve
    混合阀    mixing valve
    破真空阀    vacuum breaker
    冲洗阀    flush valve
    根部阀    root (primary, header) valve

    水煤气钢管    water-gas steel pipe
    塑料管    plastic pipe
    玻璃管    glass tube
    橡胶管    rubber tube
    壁厚    wall thickness[WT]
    壁厚系列号    schedule number[SCH.NO.]
    加厚的,加强的    extra heavy (strong)
    双倍加厚的,双倍加强的    double extra heavy (strong)
    弯头    elbow
    异径弯头    reducing elbow
    长半径弯头    long radius elbow
    短半径弯头    short radius elbow
    长半径180°弯头    long radius return
    短半径180°弯头    short radius return
    三通    tee
    异径三通    reducing tee
    等径三通    straight tee
    带支座三通    base tee
    45°斜三通    45°lateral
    Y型三通    true"Y"
    四通    cross
    异径管    reducer
    同心异径管    concentric reducer
    偏心异径管    eccentric reducer
    管接头    coupling;full coupling
    活接头    union
    短管    nipple
    预制弯管    fabricated pipe bend
    U型弯管    "U"bend
    法兰端    flanged end
    万向接头    universal joint
    对焊的    butt welded[BW]
    螺纹的    threaded[THD]
    承插焊的    socket welded[SW]
    法兰    flange[FLG]
    整体管法兰    integral pipe flange
    钢管法兰    steel pipe flange
    螺纹法兰    threaded flange
    滑套法兰    slip-on flange
    平焊法兰    slip-on-welding flange
    承插焊法兰    socket welding flange
    松套法兰    lap joint flange[LJF]
    对焊法兰    weld neck flange[WNF]
    法兰盖    blind flange;blind
    异径法兰    reducing flange
    压力级    pressure rating(class)
    突面    raised face[RF]
    凸面    male face
    凹面    female face
    全平面;满平面    flat face;full face[FF]

    3.管道特殊件    piping speciality
    粗滤器    strainer
    过滤器    filter
    临时过滤器    temporary strainer(cone type)
    Y型过滤器    Y-type strainer
    T型过滤器    T-type strainer
    永久过滤器    permanent filter
    洗眼器及淋浴器    eye washer and shower
    视镜    sight glass
    阻火器    flame arrester
    喷咀;喷头    spray nozzle
    喷射器    ejector
    取样冷却器    sample cooler
    消音器    silencer
    膨胀节    expansion joint
    波纹膨胀节    bellow
    补偿器    compensator
    软管接头    hose connection[HC]
    快速接头    quick coupling
    金属软管    metal hose
    橡胶管    rubber hose
    挠性管    flexible tube
    特殊法兰    special flange
    漏斗    funnel
    8字盲板    spectacle (figure 8) blind
    爆破板    rupture disk

    碳素钢    carbon steel [C.S.]
    不锈钢    stainless steel[S.S.]
    铸铁    cast iron[C.I.]
    铝    aluminum
    铜,紫铜    copper
    钛    titanium
    抗拉强度    tensile strength
    非金属材料    non-metallic material
    塑料    plastic
    陶瓷    ceramic
    搪瓷    porcelain enamel
    玻璃    glass
    橡胶    rubber
    垫片    gasket[GSKT]
    平垫片    flat gasket
    填料    packing
    型钢    shaped steel
    角钢    angle steel
    槽钢    channel
    工字钢    I-beam
    宽缘工字钢或H钢    wide flanged beam
    扁钢    flat bar
    圆钢    round steel; rod
    钢带    strap steel
    网络钢板    checkered plate
    材料表    bill of material[BOM]
    材料统计    material take-off[MTO]
    散装材料    bulk material
    综合管道材料表    consolidated piping material summary
    汇总表    summary sheet
    中心线    center line
    装置边界    boundary limit[BL]
    区界    area limit
    设备布置    equipment arrangement (layout);plot plan

    标高,立面    elevation[EL]
    支撑点    point of support[POS]
    工厂北向    plant north
    方位    orientation
    危险区    hazardous area classification
    净正吸入压头    net positive suction head
    绝对标高    absolute elevation
    坐标    coordinate
    管道研究    piping study
    管道布置平面    piping arrangement plan[PAP]
    管道布置    piping assembly; layout
    详图    detail
    "X"视图    view "X"
    "A-A" 剖视    section "A-A"
    轴测图    isometric drawing
    索引图    key plan
    管道及仪表流程图    piping and instrument diagram[P&ID]
    管口表    list of nozzles
    地上管道    above ground piping
    地下管道    under ground piping
    管线号    line number
    总管    header; manifold
    旁路    by pass
    常开    normally open
    常闭    normally closed
    取样接口    sampling connection
    伴热管    tracing pipe
    蒸汽伴热    steam tracing
    热水伴热    hot-water tracing
    电伴热    electrical tracing
    夹套管    jacketed line
    全夹套管    full jacketed
    比例    scale
    图    figure
    草图    sketch
    图例    legend
    符号    symbol
    件号    part n

    +关注 私聊
  • wangmoon



    +关注 私聊
  • dearssy



    +关注 私聊
  • tianya031


    谢谢楼主,我刚毕业,研发和生产一起做,专业原与大生产设备方面不 相关,到单位去车间学习,后来接触外文资料感觉化工机械方面的专业英语太差了。。。。


