反应试验:取100ml样品倒入150ml分液漏斗中,加入10ml新煮沸并冷却的蒸馏水,振荡混合2min,然后静置分层,将下层溶液放入试管中,先加入酚酞指示剂1滴,如不显红色,再加甲基橙指示剂1滴,也不显红色,则为中性。 Acidity-basicity Test(这个“反应试验”实在不知道怎么译好,由于这实际上是一个酸碱度测试所以就这样译了,不知妥不妥?) Transfer 100ml of the sample of be examined into a 150-mL separatory funnel, add 10ml of boiled and cooled water. Mix by rocking for 2min, and allow the funnel to stand until there is a sharp demarcation line between the two layers. Transfer the water layer into a test-tube, add 1 drop phenolphthalein indicator, the solution is not pink. Further add a drop methyl orange indicator, the solution is also not pink. The sample of be examined is neutral.